Monday, May 21, 2018

Have You Ever Made A Wrong Choice?

knowledge and good judgment based on experience; 
being wise.

I've tried to make right choices, but I have to confess that not always has that been true. Why? It's easy to list reasons (and/or excuses?).

  • lack of knowledge 
  • a desire to have my own way 
  • influence of others
I'm sure there are many others, but we'll focus on these three.

  • Lack of knowledge. Perhaps a person may find themselves in a situation that seems appropriate only to realize that it's entirely out of line for what they can enjoy: a party that is a bit too wild for their tastes or with things happening that doesn't sit well. A bit more study (and prayer) on how these parties work, what happens during them, or even who attends might well raise caution in the heart of the person planning on attending.
Example:  One time, I was persuaded to attend a function that I had no idea about. It was a disaster. I wasn't there five minutes until I knew it wasn't the place I wanted to be. Regardless of the rather questionable community around, I departed and waited on the bus to take me home--trusting God to protect me--and glad to be gone and wiser on listening to the inner voice of God. 

  • A desire to have one's own way. Sometimes even the best of us can be headstrong. We all have desires, and that, of itself, is not wrong. But as Christians, we must always wrap our desires around what God wants, and he never, ever wants the bad for us. Quiet time, reading his Word, and spending time in prayer will help keep selfish or wrong desires from prevailing in our lives. 
Example:  We (my hubby and I) saw and liked a certain car. We wanted it so much that we went ahead with little or no prayer, and bought it. Trouble. We had more problems with that car than many others. From then on, we've tried our best to seek the one that God provides--and most times, we love the vehicle!! 

  • Influence of others.  Sometimes others--friends, acquaintances and/or work companions--even with good intentions, may coax us to participate in activities. They don't have to be bad activities or deeds. They can be the best of the best. But we should have a sense of what is right and good for us. What can we do that is reasonable for us. How much pushes us to overload. With God's guidance and our own common sense we can decide what will keep us with our insanity intact and with much less stress in our lives.
Example:  I've always been an active person: teaching private schools and in Sunday Schools, homeschooling, laboring in the music department, preparing special programs for church, visiting, taking care of the home besides working in a public job, and many, many other things. But there are limits to what even an active person can do.

One year, during the Christmas season, I realized we were too busy. I had gotten into the habit of signing us up to go to every event, attend every special program, send too many cards, decorate way too much--and on and on...It was time to slow down. That year, I purposed in my heart, that I, we, couldn't do everything. Choosing what we really wanted to do, concentrating on the ones who meant the most to us, relaxing and keeping it simple was the avenue I needed to take. 

Learn to make as many right choices as we can. We don't always get it right, but we can sure try hard to do so. With God's help, I think we'll have a far greater success rate. 

Wisdom is better than rubies, 
and all things that may be desired 
are not to be compared to it. 
--The Bible

About Carole:

Besides being an active participant of many writing groups, Carole is an award winning author and enjoys mentoring beginning writers. She loves to weave suspense, tough topics, romance and whimsy into her books, and is always on the lookout for outstanding titles and catchy ideas. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and did she mention their grandsons? 



  1. Unfortunately, I made wrong choices too. I'm glad with have a forgiving God with abundant of love and mercy for us!

  2. Beautiful post to remind us to be careful and pray about choices we are making. Thankful God is always there to lean upon and never fails His children. Blessings, carole Brown.

  3. Yes I have made the wrong choices. And had to suffer the consequences. But God used those situations for good anyway!
