Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Who Would Suppose?

Who would suppose that two young people would both suffer broken backs and marry?

Seems unlikely doesn't it? But that's exactly what happened to my hubby and self right before we married.

So when Jerry muses on the unusual situation of himself and his wife, both with injuries, it's puzzling to him, and Josie--just recently in touch with God--has no answer for him she feels he'll accept.

Here's the partial scene from Chapter 20 of A Flute in the Willows:

“What are the chances that a married couple would both end up injured, preventing them from pursuing their chosen careers?” His voice was quiet, musing, with a hint of sarcasm. 

Of all things he could have said, this was one subject she'd never thought he would breech. She had no answer for such a profound topic that could go either way if she didn't give the answer he was seeking. 

Or was it a random comment that didn't need answering? 

She'd always loved listening—and chiming in with her youthful comments—when her father, his colleagues and friends had argued everything from politics to war to religion and business. But that had been older men who'd either laughed at her juvenile opinions or cheered her on at her own reckless declarations.  

This was Jerry. 

“I don't know.”  

Stay calm.  

“You don't suppose God has a—well, maybe a plan, a reason?” She tentatively, cautiously voiced the thought. 

“God? What does he have to do with our own stupidity?” He looked at her as if he thought she'd lost her senses

Sometimes we don't understand the perplexities of life, but as Josie was finding out, God has his plan laid out for his children. And there we have it. Strange incidents that are sometimes beyond belief make for great incidents in our books. That's why sage advice from authors with experience encourage newbies to write what you know.

What strange, awkward, or interesting incident has happened in your life--almost unbelievable--that you are saving for just the right book? Convince me it happened! :)

About Carole:

Besides being an active participant of many writing groups, Carole is an award winning author and enjoys mentoring beginning writers. She loves to weave suspense, tough topics, romance and whimsy into her books, and is always on the lookout for outstanding titles and catchy ideas. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and did she mention their grandsons? 

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sunnywrtr/boards/


  1. Hi Carole. I can't think if a book worthy incident but I like the sound of your book!

  2. thank you, Connie!! Hope you get the chance to read it. :)

  3. This is one of our “ I can’t believe it” stories. Hubby and I had spent four years on Guam
    ( Navy). We were living with his parents, while he secured a job and we looked for an apartment. Hubby’s grandparents were also in the house waiting for a spot in a nursing facility to open, after they had to sell their farm.
    Hubby got a job and was going by train to Chicago to sign the papers. Our Two year old son was running around grandma and grandpa ‘s house and smacked his head. My Dad came and took us to the hospital, where we met my husband, who had been in a car wreck. I was pregnant with our second child and hubby told them not to call me. The policeman( who I went to high school with) was in the X-ray waiting room — waiting for my husband so he could fill out paperwork on the accident! Since he heard my father and I talking about the car( Daddy still owned the car) he said Daddy could answer the questions. He neglected to get hubby’s middle name. Soooo he called the house where Grandma was already popping nitro pills because of the other excitement! We were trying to keep Hubby’s accident from her because hubby was OK! Just a broken nose. Needless to say there is more to the story. It all ended well. That same day, they found out they were accepting into the nursing facility. Joe got 6 stitches in his forehead. Hubby’s broken nose went to insurance. The day we got the settlement ( a whopping $100) was the day I went into labor with our second son! Oh and hubby did get the job! God was with us the whole time and provided!

    1. Paula, I had to smile. That is a story, and maybe a half! Wow, but I can believe it! Isn't it funny how things happen in our lives? No wonder people think our "scenes" our unbelievable. Thanks so much for sharing. This is a good one.

  4. A Flute in the Willows sounds like book I'd enjoy. I cannot think of a book worthy event.

    1. I think you would enjoy it! PTSD is a frightening experience for returning soldiers and their families, but they can get thru it. Thanks for commenting, Marilyn!
