Now y'all read all the way down! #1 you'll get a good laugh and #2 there's a #GIVEAWAY at the end! YOUR CHOICE of all my books!
For three and a half years, Ron and I went to early morning prayer. There, to start things off, we shared prayer requests and praise reports. I love praising God and giving Him glory!
The day before, I left my
purse with two weeks' pay—in cash—in it on the DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit)
bus! My six-yr-old had wanted to take all his friends on a bus ride for his
birthday, so in my defense, it was a little hectic with all those first graders, keeping up and everything.

I shared the praise report at church the very next morning. praising God and giving Him all the glory! !
hardly any time passed--a week to ten days at most--until I left my wallet at the lumber store! I didn't
realize it didn’t get put back in my purse where it belonged until I was at the
mall trying to pay for my next purchases! Mama was with me. I suppose we must
have been visiting away and I absentmindedly left it at the checkout counter.
Oi Vay! We flew back (only a few miles away), and the cashier smiled real big.
She'd saved it for me, figuring I'd be back! I shared THAT at prayer.
happened like two or three more times until it was absolutely just ridiculous
and very embarrassing to share anymore! I do have blonde hair, but don’t enjoy
giving credence to the humor rumor that same are ding-a-lings! I had a
conversation with Holy Spirit that fifth or sixth morning, but decided however red-faced,
to give God glory. I just LOVE His sense of humor!

here’s the deal. My Father watches over me and everything that concerns me. If
he cares about me keeping my purse safe, then I know beyond any shadow of a
doubt, He will keep my loved ones safe, provide every need in my life, and
watch over every detail, every day of my life. I know how much He loves me
because He’s always thinking of me.
like to share a new song that He gave me titled "I Will Trust In You". Close your eyes and listen to it
(that way you can’t see me J) and memorize
it and sing it until you know it’s the Truth—because He is not a respecter of
persons and loves you just as much as He loves me.
His love is not earned or
deserved by anything we do…whether we’re obedient or willing to be embarrassed
or choose to glorify Him. He
loves us because of Who He is.
Want to give Him a little glory? Please share the last thing He did for you to prove His love! From those who share, a winner will be randomly chosen and win her (or his) choice of my novels!
Bio: Caryl McAdoo loves God,
and currently writes four series: the historical Christian ‘Texas Romance’ a
family saga; a contemporary ‘Red River Romance’; The Generations, her Biblical
fiction, and the newest Days of Dread Trilogy for mid-grade readers. Known as
the “Singing Pray-er”, she loves praising with new songs the Lord gives her and
prays her story gives God glory! In 2008, she and high school
sweetheart-husband Ron moved from the DFW area—home for fifty-plus years—to the
woods of Red River County. Caryl counts four children and sixteen grandsugars
life’s biggest blessings, believing all good things come from the Lord. Besides
glorifying Him, she hopes each title also ministers His love, mercy, and grace
to its readers. The McAdoos live in Clarksville, the county seat, in the far
northeast corner of the Lone Star State with two grandsons.
My story is similar to yours. I was at Wal-Mart and decided to check my blood pressure. I placed my purse between my feet so that it would be safe and satisfied with my results, I continued to shop. I looked to check a coupon and No Purse! With my heart in my throat, I returned to the pharmacy area to check undèr the BP machine. NO Purse! Just then, a young lady in the pharmacy got my attention and said someone had turned it in. Everything was in place and I was very thankful but I didn't date re- check my BP or pulse rate!!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't dare
DeleteGod is good, isn't He, Connie? :) Thanks for sharing! Hugs and blessings!
DeleteWithin the past few weeks God has brought a struggling friend back to Him for me. ;)
ReplyDeleteBless the Lord, oh my soul! And forget not all His benefits! This is a wonderful testimony, Melody! I appreciate you sharing! :) Hugs and blessings!
ReplyDeleteGod has answered a prayer that I felt was too petty to even pray. He has provided a companion for me to sit with at church. Our husbands aren't always with us at church so we sit with each other and she loves sitting with my kids. It seems small but it means a lot to me and to her as well. It's a reminder that God cares even when we think it's not important enough to request.
ReplyDeleteI *love* this, Daphanie! Not petty at all, especially to God. <3
DeleteI LOVE how God CARES about the small things that mean so much to us! Thank you for sharing Daphanie! Blessings and Hugs!
DeleteHe keeps giving me words to write, each day. More than I ever thought possible! <3
ReplyDeleteAmen, Mikal! I KNOW that's a big Woo Hoo! I feel soblessed to get to write Christian stories and include charaacters' salvation experiences, and times of answered prayer, God's provision, His mercy and forgiveness. My people make mistakes sometimes, choose poorly at others, but I loveLoveLOVE it because He is a God of second chances! Thanks for our comment! :)
ReplyDeleteGod does have a sense of humor, doesn't He?
ReplyDeleteHe cracks me up all the time, Marsha! Thanks for droppping by and BLESSINGS! :)
DeleteGOD is so good. Often times I feel isolated and lonely. Recently He has provided some very special face to face meetings with some really special people from facebook. With some authors I truely admire. They have encouraged me to keep writing and pressing on for Him. Thank you Jesus.
ReplyDeleteDon't you love how God sends us the right people at the right time? :) He always knows just what we need when we need it.
DeleteThanks so much for sharing, Renette!
That is so awesome, Renette! It's because He loves you so much! And Crystal...He sure does! This year He has truly bonded my heart with so many of my e'friends! HUGS and blessings!
DeleteRecently I suddenly came down with a high fever 104 that I could not break. I went to the ER and they discovered I was becoming septic due to an abscess in my kidney. I never had any symptoms at all until the fever hit me.
ReplyDeleteI live alone but through the Grace of God I had a friend visiting when the fever attacked me so suddenly. She was able to call 911 and speak for me when they showed up.
I praise God for our medical professionals who can diagnose my medical problem.
This has taught me that each second of our life is in God's hands. We may think every thing is fine but God is busy protecting us constantly. Praise God for His loving protection.
Oh wow! God was definitely taking care of you that day. Thanks so much for sharing that testimony, Kathy.
DeleteAmen! He always has everything under control! We truly serve an awesome God!! Oh how He loves you and me! :)
DeleteOk so this is more of a spiritual blessing than a physical one. I have been praying for someone I love to start living for God and yesterday at church the preacher gave me hope that God is working on the person I'm praying for and that he is going to live for God and the chains of bondage on him will be broken.... That is so beautiful to me. I love how forgiving and loving our God is. :)
ReplyDeleteOh, so true, Chalene! What a joyful occasion the answer to a such prayer is. It's so hard when we see people we love so much to not be walking with God...from where we are standing, we know how easy it is, but I think the devil lies to them and they believe his lies that they're not good enough or they've been too bad. If they could only grasp NONE of us are good enough and we've ALL been too bad! Hallelujah. I join you in agreement prayers for your loved one! :) Hugs and thanks for sharing! :)
DeleteMy eldest daughter is 43 years old and a widow for 4 years. She is a lukewarm- no church-believer although she was raised in the faith. Last Sunday she attended a church with us not 5 minutes from her home. I believe that the Holy Spirit is leading her, in spite of the circumstances. Like the "lost" purses I know the Lord will safely lead her home. What joy. Blessings and hugs Caryl.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Barbara. I can't imagine how hard it must be to lose your spouse and don't even want to try. When a FB friend loses a husband, it breaks my heart. It's easy to see how she could believe the devil's lie that God doesn't really care, but He will bring her back into the fold, indeed. I'll join my prayers in agreement with your for her full restoration to His service. Having gone through what she's been through, she'll have a wonderful testimony and ministry to other widows. You can't know the horror until you've walked through it :( Thank you for sharing! Love and hugs!
DeleteCaryl, thank you for sharing your God-moments! The Lord has placed some INCREDIBLE people in my life. I am very grateful for them.
ReplyDeleteAmen and amen. This is a fun testimony. I truly am so blessed and highly favored for all the precious people He's brought into my life, too, Caryl. Including YOU! I know one of these days, we'll get to hug real necks...not just e'hugs! :) Love and blessings! :)
ReplyDeleteGod shows his love to me every day,in someway or other.From painting a beautiful sunset to a hug from a precious child.I am having health issues and go in the morning for tests,he showed his love to me today by helping me to drink the test prep liquid.Thank you Lord for your outpouring love.
ReplyDeleteOH that is so true, Jackie! We've all experienced that overwhelming beauty He created ...sometimes it bowls you over, doesn't it? Thank you for your comments! And I'll be praying for good reports from your tests tomorrow! I recently went to ER with chest pains and blood pressure like 48 over 20 or something (they said later that's like when you're dying, but I don't remember now what it was). Anyway they admitted me and kept me 3 days and ran a lot of tests and at my discharge the report was, "You have a strong and healthy heart, Mrs. McAdoo." Woo Hoo Blessed be the name of the Lord!Love and hugs! {{{{{{Jackie}}}}}}
DeleteThis will be the silliest thing all of you will think of. I like to play the games on Facebook like Candy Crush, and many others. When I do I am often talking to Him at the same time. Sometimes it is just because I love to talk to Him, other times it is because of something my husband will do or say or both that has me worked up and often crying. I am playing a game that I have been on for long I get frustrated and for whatever His reason is, I know without a doubt that he just helped me get through it. Now stop the laughing.
ReplyDeleteI thank Him and praise Him for doing what sometimes for months it seems that I couldn't do on my own.
Okay she is crazy you say,but laugh all you will, it is always when I upset about somethings or many things that this happens and I don't know what I am doing that He gets me through that level. It has happened in all the games I play. I know in my heart He did that because I am upset about something else. I give Him the Glory and praise His Holy Name, lifting Him up. Sometimes I ha e the radio on, my favorite Christian station and singing away as I am playing and talking to Him when this also occurs.
I think He does this to help where I am hurting and to let me know He indeed is there helping with the small things even as silly as this is. Sometimes He sees me through several hard levels of the same game or many of the ones I play one after another.
I have health issues and can't go anywhere on my own much and I stay home all day not being able to do most of the things I loved to do, so I play these games. God is so good and loving that He helps in everything if admit you can't do anything without Him.
Thank you Lord for helping me in all things through Christ.
Hey craftyDR! The Lord helps me win games all the time! I know it's Him, whether I'm playing Farkle or Acquire or whatever...I just have His favor! tee hee hee I definitely believe you. Last month I was on a big boat for a month and every evening we played a dice game...the man who taught us called if Ten Thousand. I thought it should be called Ooops. But over the course of the trip, we played like 18 or 19 games and I won 10...others one once or twice - the guy who taught us, maybe 5, but I won TEN! God knows I really like to win :) tee hee hee He IS always there with you because He loves you so dearly! I know little things matter to Him! :)
DeleteI had typed out a nice testimony of how God brought me out of depression. Somehow I deleted it, so this one will be a short version. I've had depression all my life. My husband and I have been married 28 years. I became a Christian in 1989. A couple years after we married the depression got worst. Over the past 24 years I've been through so much. I was so depressed, I slept all the time, got up to just eat, few other things, then back to bed. I cried all the time. I saw Dr. and Psy. and was put on medication, nothing worked, have been hospitalized over those years about 20 times. I prayed religiously but God would not heal me. I had to keep changing Dr. due to insurance purposes. After so long of suffering from depression, being in the hospital's, medicine not working, I attempted suicide, they got me to the hospital in time. When I returned home, nothing changed. I was at my lowest, I saw God wasn't going to answer my prayers, I didn't want to live anymore. I attempted suicide 2or 3 more times. I know God wanted me on this earth for some reason. I still prayed religiously, still at my lowest, no only remaining depressed,etc, started having panic attacks. I hated myself and everybody so much. I started self cutting. I also during this time gained 100 pds. Had to change Dr. again. This Dr. put me on a medication, wouldn't change it but made me work through my problems. I learned to love myself, to forgive others, to love others, to quit living in the past and most important of all I think God wanted me to meet him halfway (I give God all the praise and Glory) A few days later i woke up and the depression was gone, I have such happiness, love myself, I've lost 120 pds. I haven't had an episode in about 5 years. My husband stood by my side through it all. God has really blessed me.
ReplyDeleteWOW, Sonya! What an awesome testimony! You found HOPE again. I have glory bumps all over my arms and legs! God certainly DOES love you and has a plan for your life! Have you been ministering to other people who suffer from depression? My best friend for last 40+ years has done alot of the things you spoke of.Her husband would call me "She's been in bed two weeks, Can you come get her out of the house? She isn't speaking to anyone here." I'd go get her and before long we'd be laughing. She was diagnosed Bipolar but the depressed side of it/ Thank you so much for sharing Sonya! Love and hugs! :) And congratulations on the weight loss! That's SO AWESOME! And you surely know how much your husband loves you, too! Praise be to God!
ReplyDeleteI have done that meaning a time.. Somtimes the money is gone,but everything eles is in my purse. N i dont get mad cause i always just say. Someone needed more than me.. It no more than $20. $25.00 i can deal with that, i would hate for my bank card to be gone.. But the Lord is watch out for me.. Because if he wasnt i know the bank card would be gone.
ReplyDeleteThat is true, Tina. And I'd be like you in saying oh well if $$ was gone. It's everything else in there that's so important...for instance my fingernail file in my purse was my mother's and very important to me. I also carry my granddaddy's pocket knife :) I always have to remember to take them out when I fly :) Thank you for sharing! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one :) Hugs and blessings!
DeleteGod has blessed me in so many ways. I'm thankful for good health, a job, and knowing I'm a Child of the King who will have an eternal home in heaven. This week God has blessed me with protection while driving along with protecting my brother who is in law enforcement. Praise His name for all His greatness. We can never praise God enough and He keeps showering blessings upon us daily.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing, Marilyn :) I am in agreement that we cannot praise Him enough! :) Love and hugs!
ReplyDeleteMARSHA BernabeWOn her choice of my books! Congrats, Marsha!
ReplyDeleteI'm going back through posts (since I'm a newbie to here) and this one makes me smile. I love that you told us! I am convicted that I don't trust God enough with my little things.