Thursday, April 20, 2017

Looking Glass Lies by Varina Denman

Looking Glass Lies: A poignant and relatable novel, Looking Glass Lies captures the war women wage against themselves, and the struggle to see beauty reflected in a mirror not distorted by society’s unrelenting expectations.
For most of her adult life, Cecily Ross has compared herself to other women—and come up short. After a painful divorce from her emotionally abusive husband, Cecily returns to her hometown of Canyon, Texas, looking to heal.
But coming home isn’t what she expects. In a town as small as Canyon, her pain is difficult to escape—especially with her model-perfect ex–sister-in-law working at the town’s popular coffee-shop hangout. With help from her father, a support group, and an old friend who guides her to see her own strengths, Cecily may have a shot at overcoming her insecurities and learning to love again.
The true test comes when tragedy strikes, opening Cecily’s eyes to the harmfulness of her distorted views on beauty—and giving her the perfect opportunity to find peace at last.

Heidi here. Looking Glass Lies by Varina Denman is an amazing, amazing read. I’m not gonna lie, some if it was hard to read, really hard. It’s a raw read with vulnerable characters, I think that was why I cared so much for them and kept turning the pages to see what would happen.

Cecily Ross returns home to try to heal from a painful divorce. But, for awhile, she continues down the same road of believing the lies in her head.

This powerful book really makes you stop and think about what lies you believe about yourself. What lies society is telling you. Who you can trust. Grab your copy today!

Note: Until May 1st, Goodreads has an electronic copy giveaway. Also, I did an interview with Varina awhile back, check it out here,


  1. Heidi, thank you for sharing. Looking Glass lies may be hard to read at times, but this is true reality of so many in society today. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Marilyn,
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Heidi, thank you for taking the time to read Looking Glass Lies. But more importantly, thank you for your kind words of encouragement!

    1. Oh, Varina, my pleasure. You know I enjoyed ur prior novels, but this one was such a departure. At first I was like, huh?, but then as I read and got to know the characters, I was so emotionally invested in their lives!!! Looking forward to the character interview we're doing on Cecily in a couple of weeks, that'll be fun :-)

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am ready to start Looking Glass Lies.

  5. I'm reading this now, Heidi, and will be doing a week long feature on my blog in late June on this topic. It struck me so deeply.

    1. Robin, yes a very deep book. Thank you for devoting a week on your blog, what's the URL so everyone can check it out?

    2. Hullo Heidi, here's my link
      and my feature will run from 19 - 26 of June, beginning with my story....
      oh! and i've decided for the first time in years (and many pounds, like 40 or so) that i'm gonna get me a two piece swim suit!! no bikini but no more one piece cover-it-up either! :-O

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Robin, RE: two-piece swimsuit, good for you!!! There are some pretty creative two-piece suits out there ;-) Happy for you, don't believe those lies!!!
