Friday, January 22, 2016

Get Creative!

By Shirley Raye Redmond

Did you know that January is Creativity Month? It is—and it’s a good time to consider how you can exercise your imagination more vigorously this year. After all, we have been created in God’s imagine and likeness, so creativity is a part of who we are. Maybe it’s time to dust off that guitar you’ve stashed in the hall closet. Consider buying a coloring book and a new set of crayons. Why not retrieve that forgotten short story or novel-in-progress you meant to finish ages ago? It’s time to get creative!

Here are a few tips for flexing your creativity in the New Year ahead:
  1. Daydream: many bright ideas and inventions have been spawned during those seemingly lazy, daydreaming moments.

  2. Explore: do things you have never done before, like visiting a medical history museum or a Japanese art gallery. Sign up for a ceramics class or a Russian literature course. Eat dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. You have no idea what creative pursuits these excursions may spark. My tour of a 175-year-old abandoned insane asylum sparked the plot for my suspense novel, VIPER’S NEST. 

  3. Practice creative benevolence. A piano teacher I know has her students perform their yearly recitals at the local senior center so that the residents there can enjoy the performance as well as the students’ family and friends. I have helped with a “Cookies for Combat” campaign and donated scores of my published books to various organizations that put together goodie baskets for veterans. One of my friends donates time and yarn to teach women at a local homeless shelter how to knit.
By sharing your creativity, you not only flex your imagination muscles, but you help to make the world a better place.

Shirley Raye Redmond has exercised her creativity over the years by writing more than two dozen books and over 400 magazine and newspaper articles. Visit her website at

Don't forget to leave a comment to get your name in the drawing for a copy of my historical novel Amanda's Beau. Winner announced in the Weekly Windup on Feb 1. Check out all of our great prizes on the Prizes Galore page.


  1. All very good points. I like nothing better than to let my mind drift and dream as I take my daily walk.

  2. I enjoy coloring, day dreaming and crafting. I create Expoding Picture Boxes.

    1. What is an Exploding Picture Box?

    2. You can see the boxes I've made here:

      They hold small photos.

  3. Crafting has always given me joy and I hope to have more time to learn new techniques.

  4. Great post, thank you! I have started coloring again and I love it!

  5. I really do need to expand my creative outlets. Since I finished home schooling a couple of years ago, I feel like that area has become stagnant. Thank you for the reminder.
