Monday, December 28, 2015

A Word

Did you ever play Scrabble as a kid? Perhaps you looked at the letters in front of you and tried to come up with the perfect word. Ever been there?

While it's been quite a while since I've played the game, at the end of each year I find myself searching for a word. No. I'm not playing a game. :)

Instead I'm asking the Lord to lead me to a word for the coming year. In the past He's led me to words like - joy, hope, believe, peace.... Whatever word I sense the Lord is leading me to, I then spend that year doing an in-depth study, searching for areas where God wants me to grow. Believe me, He often provides many opportunities for me to learn to be more like Him. They often aren't comfortable, but they help me to grow.

While I'm still asking for the Lord's direction, the word I keep seeing/hearing about is FAITH. I'm beginning to think He's trying to tell me something. :)

What about you? Have you ever asked God to give you a word for the New Year? If so, what word has He given you?


  1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this. Usually mine have been centered on one word, but I keep hearing a phrase: Bless Him. So I'll be focusing on blessing Him no matter my circumstances.

    1. Sounds like a great phrase, Toni. Let me know what you learn through the year. :)

  2. Yes!! I learned this practice from Lectio Divina (divine reading), an ancient Benedictine meditation form. I even shared it in my memoir, so Protestant women could avail themselves of it too - the practice revolutionized my quiet times!! Thanks for sharing this, Jodie.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Gail. :) I know having a single focus throughout the year has helped me to grow in those areas. Blessings.

  3. I just learned about this practice last year, and enjoyed it very much. I just found my word for 2016 over the weekend and guess what it is...FAITH.

    1. I'm noticing a pattern. :) I have another friend and her word for next year also is faith. We should compare notes throughout the year. :)

  4. I have also done this the past few years but my word is eluding me. I have had joy and believe but not sure where He is leading me.

    1. I'll be praying for wisdom and direction for you, Connie.
