Saturday, January 11, 2014

Author Interview with Anne Baxter Campbell

Today, my friend and author Anne Baxter Campbell joins us for an interview!

Welcome to Stitches Thru Time Anne, what made you decide to become a writer? I'm not sure if I decided or if it just happened. I've always loved telling stories, and one thing led to another. It started when I was still in elementary school, and the urge hasn't gone away yet. I spent many years as an engineering technician, and the writing I did then was all technical stuff. Once I retired the field was wide open, and I went back to telling stories.

Where did the inspiration for your latest book come from? The latest release is actually a short e-story called Once Upon A Christmas Eve. I was watching a Christmas special a year ago (I don't remember which one), and I opened a new Word window and started typing.

How does your faith and spirituality work in with your writing? How could it not? I pray about everything I write, from this interview to full-length novels. I love God, and I want everything I say, do, and write to reflect Him. I'm sure I don't do that perfectly, but I sincerely want it to. It's the same with all the Christians I know. They want to give what they have and what they are to the Lord. Writing is not any more important than any other job He gives to each of us. If we each do what He has for us to do, His will can be accomplished. There, now, I'll get off the soapbox. ;)

What are you working on next? Several things. I have two more full-length novels, part of a 3-book series called The Truth Trilogy, that will be released this year. One has already been submitted, and the other one will be within a week. There is also one more short story scheduled to be released in about two weeks, part of Kathi Macias' 12 Days of Christmas series.

Thanks so much for joining us today Anne!

Author Bio:
Anne Baxter Campbell is a wife, a mom, and a grandma who loves her Lord and loves to write.

Check out Anne's books!
The Roman's Quest - Centurion Julius admires a young Jewish woman, Miriam, who is promised to a Jewish fisherman named James ben Zebedee. The Jewish fisherman decides to follow Jesus. Julius witnesses Jesus's baptism and decides to become a proselyte. Will that be sufficient reason for breaking the near-betrothal and allowing Julius to take James' place as Miriam's betrothed? 

 Buy on Amazon

Once Upon a Christmas Eve - Jillian is peeved. She wants to go to her class Christmas party, but her mom grounds her just because her room isn't clean. It's totally unfair, and she screams obscenities at her parents. The next morning, Christmas Eve, she wakes up to find her parents missing and a tall gloomy angel to keep her company.

Buy on Amazon for $.99