Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Love Letter


The Love Letter
By Rachel Hauck

What a delicious love story! Actually, with this novel, you get two for the price of one. I love the time-slip format for novels, but this one truly integrates an historic story intimately with a contemporary story. Plus, since the story is Christian Fiction, the story goes soul-deep.

It all begins with a very old love letter written by Jesse’s great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather. He writes a screen play about it, and enter Chloe Daschle, actress. I love that the contemporary story takes place in Hollywood and gives us a behind the scenes look at filming a feature film. What I love even more, is when the film acts out the historic story that happened in the fictional past.

The novel takes us back to the Revolutionary War, where we have a love story between a Patriot and the daughter of a Loyalist. If that’s not enough drama, add in war injuries, secret meetings by the willow tree, and a misplaced musket shot.

I don’t want to give too much away, but I’ll say this…unrequited love, frustrations, miscommunications, and lost letters all play critical roles in both love stories, and the ending is so perfectly sweet, you won’t even need to spring for the cheesecake. I’m serious.

Have you ever written a love letter? How about a love note? If you love someone (I mean anyone: kids, friends, spouse, etc…) try writing a love note and see what happens. Then drop me a line and let me know how it turned out!

I listened on Audible and highly recommend—the narrator is excellent.

Jennifer Fromke writes from North Carolina, where the skies are blue, the tea is sweet (not that she drinks it), and the summers are so hot she writes in the shade of her back porch, literally sweating over each novel she writes. She talks about books ad nauseam and recommends books to everyone she meets, so she started a book review blog for sheer joy:

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