Friday, May 4, 2018

Storm Front by Susan May Warren

Storm Front: A tornado has destroyed a small Minnesota community and among the missing are not only a group of students but PEAK Rescue team leader Chet King. Ty Remington will stop at nothing to rescue his mentor, not even when the girl he loved--and lost--walks back into his life. But Brette needs his help more than he knows, despite her stubborn determination to push him away. And when he gets a second chance, loving her just might cost him more than he can imagine.

A blogger for Vortex Storm Chasers, Brette Arnold didn't expect her adventures to land her in the same place as Ty, the guy who she walked--no, ran--from over a year ago. She had her reasons--good ones. The kind that tell her that falling for him again would only lead to heartache. But Ty isn't the kind of man to give up--not on the missing students, or on her.

Life and love hang in the balance in Susan May Warren's breathless story of holding on to hope during a deadly summer of storms.

Heidi here. Susan May Warren has a winner with the Montana Rescue Series. Each novel in this series has a main plot and a significant romance subplot, setting characters up for the novel they will star in. Amazing forethought on Susie's part, which makes for such an enjoyable read.

Storm Front deals with Ty Remington and Brett Arnold, who are oh so broken. They each see their flaws so brightly, yet the other sees a hero. Storm Front is a sweet romance coupled with a few serious tornadoes and rescues that are intriguing to read about.

When the Montana Rescue Series debuted, I didn't think I'd be interested in rescue missions. But when I finally read one of the earlier books, I was enthralled with what goes on in a rescue mission, all the pieces that need to play together, and the heroes that are put together in the team. I've now gone back and read the whole series and can't wait for the next one to release (which is Wait For Me, releasing in November).

Grab your copy of Storm Front by Susan May Warren today! At the time I wrote this, the first book in this series, Wild Montana Skies, was $1 on the kindle.