
Friday, March 13, 2015

Reaching A Milestone Birthday

Me (circa 1967)
Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come. Psalm 71:17-18 NIV 

I’m fifty years old today. I used to consider that old. My children certainly do! I don’t necessarily embrace the idea that fifty is the new thirty, but I do feel like I have many years left in these old bones. Whether God grants me longevity remains to be seen, but I’m incredibly grateful for the years He has already blessed me with.

Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past. Deuteronomy 32:7a 

When I look back and consider I was a child of the 70s and early 80s, it really doesn’t seem that long ago until I start counting the years! Every generation has an era it goes through, and I suppose for mine, it was the dawn of the technology age.

We didn’t have cell phones, computers, or iPods. We had to get up to turn the knob on the TV to the only other channel we received. Eight-tracks still played in some cars and cassettes were the “in” thing. As a teenager, I had a cassette player/recorder and often tried to record songs off the radio because I didn’t have money for 45s (singles) or albums. When you live in a house with eight other people, that’s kind of hard to do. A few years ago, I listened to some of those old cassettes. Not one was free of conversation in the background or someone walking into the room, slamming a door, or making some other noise. J

I remember back in the 1990s when camcorders first came on the scene (at least in my family), and my dad, awestruck, remarked that my sister had a movie camera that could develop pictures inside of it. J I wonder what similar comment I’ll make to the next generation in my later years, and if my kids will be as amused.

It’s fun to look back and reminisce when you reach a milestone birthday. Mostly I have good memories and relegate the bad ones to the back burner of my mind.

I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. Psalm 143:5 

Forrest Gump was right. Life is like a box of chocolates. No matter what the core of your problems are, most often there is something sweet to be found if we look hard enough. And no matter what trials I’ve walked through, I can see God’s hand at work in my life. He carried me during times of grief and loss. He’s given me great blessings—good health, two beautiful children, both of my parents are still alive and in good health, and the talent and desire to write. The reasons to praise Him are infinite! At the top of the list is the gift of forgiveness and grace He extends to me daily.

The challenge for me, as I suppose it is for every Christian, is discerning God’s will as I move forward into my sixth decade. I want to continue to be the hands of God in this fallen world, and among Christians, as I strive to encourage those who read my work. Because, ultimately, in the end, Kingdom work is the only thing that matters. I pray God continues to equip and guide me.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead...there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Ecclesiastes 9:10 

In celebration of my fiftieth birthday, I’m giving away the Kindle version of both of my books. (Print versions are also available for purchase.) Simply click on the links below through March 15, 2015, to get your FREE copies. Please share this with your friends. I’d like to give away as many books as possible to celebrate reaching the half-century mark of my life. What a glorious thing to be able to say! Praise be to God!

Click HERE to claim your free copy of my devotional 

Click HERE to claim your free copy of my novella 

Laura Hodges Poole is a freelance writer with dozens of articles, devotions, and short stories in publication. She is a 2014 ACFW Genesis semi-finalist and a 2012 RWA Emily finalist in Christian fiction. Laura is also a non-fiction ghostwriter/collaborator. Her passion is encouraging others in their Christian walk through her blog, "A Word of Encouragement."

Connect with Laura at:
Twitter @ Laura_Poole

©Laura Hodges Poole

“TV Audio & Video With Icon Sets” image courtesy of nirots/


  1. 50 is quite a milestone. In my family you would be considered a spring chicken. We live for a VERY long time.

    1. We have a mix in our family. Some are quite elderly into their 90s, while we've lost many others in their 30s and 40s. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Happy Birthday to you!
    thanks for the book gifts !
