
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Can You Find the Mistake? #Giveaway

Howdy, y'all! Crystal, here. Remember when I showed y'all that pile of material and such I got for Christmas? Come on now, it looked something like this...

Any of you curious how it turned out? No? Okay then I won't show you. I'll blather on about my short story that came out last m--

Oh, you are interested? Well then, I guess I could show you a picture of how it looked put together. (Just to tattle on myself, I had to go to Grandma for a little help. So glad I did. Learned so much.) Here it be.
What do ya think? '50s enough for ya?

These were taken with my phone which doesn't have to best resolution in the world, but it did catch the one mistake I made on the dress.(And yes, I did it, not Grandma. :-P )

It's not a huge mistake. I didn't catch it myself until I was on my way to church, and no one there even noticed.

SO, I've decided to make my error a point of fun. I'm giving an e-copy of the anthology Out of the Storm, which contains my short story Husband Hunting, to the first person who can spot and name the error. Who knows? I might feel generous and name more than one winner. :)

Happy Hunting, y'all! :)

Out of the Storm is an anthology featuring the winners of the 2014 "Storming the Short Story" Contest. My short story Husband Hunting is in this collection. :) It's the tale of how a rancher borrows his love's wedding dress in one last effort to prevent her from marrying the wrong man. If you're interested, the book is available in print or on kindle at Amazon. Read a sample.

Don't forget: Comments will also enter you in the giveaway for Amelia's Legacy by Betty Thomason Owens! Check the Weekly Windup on March 23rd to see if you're the winner. For more information on our giveaways, click on the Prizes Galore page.


  1. I can't see any mistake. It must be quite minor. Well done you (and Grandma).

    1. Hi Mary! Yes, it is quite minor. So minor I haven't fixed it yet :)

  2. I used to have a dress just like it, except for the contrast panel. It was my favorite. Can't find the mistake either, unless it involves the print fabric in the pic above. Was your contrast panel supposed to be the print?

    1. Nope, not the print fabric. :) The skirt goes from light to dark all the way around. My pastor said it made me look like a lily. :)

  3. Like Linda, I thought it might be the missing print fabric. Pretty dress, no matter what!

    1. Hi Peggy! Thanks, but nope, it's not the missing print fabric. :)

  4. I think it has to do with the left sleeve :) Beautiful dress, purple is my favorite color and you did a great job... My mom taught me to sew. I got to try the old treadle after I had a few lessons.. I still make quilts for fun.

    1. You're getting close. :) I love purple too. I've done most of my learning about sewing by reading patterns and trial by error, so it was great to get some good tips from my Grandma. I'm sure going at that old treadle was fun. :)

    2. LOL I didn't want to give it away. the LEFT sleeve had the mistake. Next time I will definitely read the instructions better and be very specific..
      Congrats to the winners :)

  5. Perhaps the sleeve cuff is on backwards? I can't really tell for sure but it is beautiful! Love the purple

    1. Thanks, Cindy. I love purple too. Clearly my family has figured that out since I got the material for Christmas. :)

  6. It looks like you have sewn the cuff on backwards. The "v" should be on the outside of the arm, not the inside.

    Sandy A

  7. :) Cuff on right sleeve. Backwards.

  8. Haha, looks like we have some real sewers here today. The dress is beautiful, Crystal.

  9. Ha, these sewers pay attention to detail. I thought the dress was blue and white.

    1. Oh no, not one of THOSE again! Hahaha #TheDress

    2. LOL. Oh no. I agree with Amber. :)

      And yes, they do pay attention to detail, Elaine. :)

  10. Very nice, Crystal. Want to make one for me??!

  11. Okay, well, y'all haven't made it easy on me today. I had to actually go look at the pattern and then at the dress to verify which cuff I'd messed up on.

    Cindy Reiner, you're getting the free ebook because you were the first to note the cuff was backward.

    Sandy A, you're also a winner of the free ebook because you were the first to note which way it was supposed to be facing.

    Congrats! Send me your email and I'll get Out of the Storm to you. :) My email is booksbybarnes[at]gmail[dot]com

    Thanks, everyone, for the compliments. It was such fun sharing this with you even though I was tattling on myself. :)

    Happy Trails,
    Crystal L Barnes

    1. Sorry, Cindy Regnier. Didn't mean to misspell your name. And me a writer. Shame for shame. :)
