
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Author Interview with Debbie Lynne Costello & Giveaway

Happy Saturday friends! Today I'm happy to introduce you to an author friend of mine, Debbie Lynne Costello!

Debbie Lynne has enjoyed writing stories since she was about eight years old. She raised her family and then embarked on her own career of writing the stories that had been begging to be told. She and her husband have four children and live in upstate South Carolina. She has worked in many capacities in her church and is currently the Children’s director. Debbie Lynne has shown and raised Shetland sheepdogs for eighteen years and still enjoys litters now and then. In their spare time, She and her husband enjoy camping and riding their Arabian and Tennessee Walking horses. Visit Debbie Lynne at,, ,, and 

Welcome Debbie! We're so glad you could visit us today. 
Thank you for having me, Amber. I’m looking forward to chatting with your followers.

What made you decide to become a writer? 
I’m one of those writers who loved to write stories even as a child. My mother gave me a manila envelope last year and it was full of little stories I’d written for her. I took every writing class I could in high school and then went to college for journalism. I married my high school sweetheart and a year and half later we started our family. So writing went on a back burner and simmered for many years. While homeschooling my last 2, I was doing a lot of reading because I needed to be in the room with them (keeping them focused ;o) but they didn’t need a lot of help. One day my husband suggested I write a book. I thought about it and 2 weeks later I sat down at my computer while my boys were doing schoolwork on theirs and started my first story.

Where did the inspiration for your latest book come from? 
My inspiration for Sword of Forgiveness came from my love of medieval times. I love chivalry. I love men being men and women being treated like they are precious. I love the castles, the courts, oh I could go on. But the truth is I love what we have made medieval times. I know in truth that it was a very hard life.

How does your faith and spirituality work in with your writing? 
Great question! I feel called to writing, but not just any writing. I want to be able to touch other’s lives for Christ. My characters are flawed and have spiritual arcs as they grow in the Lord. My hope and prayer is that when people finish reading my books that they will be able to take something away from them. I am very conscious to avoid being ‘preachy’. I feel like if someone wants to get preached to they’ll go to church or pick up a nonfiction helps book. My job is to tell a story and make it as real as possible so the reader can watch the characters grow and overcome.

What are you working on next? 
Next…well, I have several irons in the fire. I have a19th century Charleston proposal to get back into my agent. I’m working on the sequel to Sword of Forgiveness and getting one of my completed 19th century Charleston stories ready to release. But that is several months down the road.

Very interesting. Looks like you have some great stuff going on. Thank you so much for being with us! 
Thank you for inviting me, Amber!

About Sword of Forgiveness

     After the death of her cruel father, Brithwin is determined never again to live under the harsh rule of any man. Independent and resourceful, she longs to be left alone to manage her father’s estate. But she soon discovers a woman has few choices when the king decrees she is to marry Royce, the Lord of Rosencraig. As if the unwelcome marriage isn’t enough, her new husband accuses her of murdering his family, and she is faced with a challenge of either proving her innocence or facing possible execution.
     Royce of Hawkwood returns home after setting down a rebellion to find his family brutally murdered. When all fingers point to his betrothed and attempts are made on his life, Royce must wade through murky waters to uncover the truth. Yet Brithwin’s wise and kind nature begin to break down the walls of his heart, and he soon finds himself in a race to discover who is behind the evil plot before Brithwin is the next victim.
  Check it out on Amazon

Suprise Giveaway! Debbie Lynne is giving away a copy of her book to one commenter! Leave a comment asking Debbie a question about herself or her writing to enter for a chance to win it! 

When you comment, you'll also be entered to win our weekly giveaway. Check it out on our Prizes Galore Page.


  1. Hi Debbie Lynne! I have heard great things about your book and I would love to read it! My question for you is you write late at night , early in the morning, or throughout the day and do you need quiet time or dothe everyday noises go on around you while you are writing?

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Would you believe all of the above, Melanie! I do write late at night. Early morning I'm usually doing what I have to do around here and now that the weather has broke will be getting back to my morning walks. I write throughout the day if I don't have my 2 grandbabies. Unfortunately for me I do need quiet to write. I can do edits with the noise around me but not fresh writing. Great questions! Thanks so much. I REALLY hope you get a chance to read Sword of Forgiveness!!

    2. Oh, I like this question, Melanie. I always enjoy hearing how the writing process works for each author.

      Grandbabies? Debbie Lynne, you look too young for that. ;)

  2. Hello Debbie Lynne,

    I love books set back through history. Do you have an era you particularly favour?


    1. I LOVE medieval! It is just so much fun to write in! So much was going on in that time period. But I also like the late 19th century. It was a time in America when we were on the cusp of a different world. Thanks for asking. I'm loving all these wonderful questions!

    2. Medieval is so fun, isn't it? The knights, armor, pretty dresses, horses...sigh.

  3. Historical of my fav genre. Looks good

  4. Did you choose the title of your book or did someone else?
    Janet E.

    1. I did, Janet. There was actually a scene that I removed because I felt like it was too modern where Royce's sword is in the ground with its handle up making a cross and Royce kneels before it. But after researching more I felt like coming to the foot of the cross for forgiveness was a modern term and though it wasn't said it implicated that saying so I removed it. But I loved the title so much that I left it! I since have decided each book in the series will all start with Sword of "xxx".

    2. Interesting tidbit about the series! Thanks for the question, Janet.

  5. I've read this and I can say it is a wonderful story!

    1. Thank you, Deanna! You're a sweetie!!!

    2. It looks REALLY interesting. Definitely one I would like to read.

  6. Wow! We've got some great questions for Debbie Lynne today! Thanks for stopping by, everyone! Best wishes in the giveaway.

    1. Hey Amber! I couldn't believe today was the 14th! Where is the time going?? The questions have been fabulous! I really love talking with your followers and answering their questions. What's cool is they are making me think! Why did I do that?

    2. Haha! As if you don't have to think enough already, right?
      Really great questions though. I love it!

  7. The book sounds wonderful! When creating characters do you base them on someone you know? Do you pull from personal challenges when creating the storyline?

    1. You all are awesome with this questions! Characters definitely do have characteristics of people I know. Especially traits that I find admirable. Yes, some of the things that my heroes or heroines go through are loosely tied to things I've experienced in life or someone close to me.

    2. Hi Patti! So glad you stopped by today. Great questions!

  8. Another great question! And thank you so much for the compliment. A lot of the time as I'm flushing out my character and their past history they tell me what their flaw is. As I'm walking through their past life and the good and bad they've been through they become more real to me and start to show me their flaws. Sometimes I just know what their flaw is and I've even chosen a flaw because its something I want to explore in their character. :o)

  9. Love it. No one is perfect, so it's fun to see the way different authors work in the flaws. Great question, Kate!

  10. I would love to win & read this book! And if I get to read it I certainly will want to read the sequel! Do you write at least a little everyday or some days let it slide?

    1. Brenda, before I had to start keeping my grandkids I could say easily that I wrote every day. But since I started keeping them I've had to let days slide. However, I do try to do something writing related even if it isn't actually writing which I need quiet for! LOL

    2. I can certainly understand! I have 6 grandchildren! No quite time when I have even some of them!

  11. I love medieval books and this one sounds fantastic! Who are some of your favorite authors?

    1. It depends on what time period I'm reading! I really love to read different voices in time periods. I'm afraid if I started it a list it would get too long! There are so many awesome authors out there now. Do you have a favorite?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Debbie Lynne, I enjoy reading so much and have many favorite generes I enjoy reading.
    I enjoy historical alot but different time periods not just one. For example I love reading about the civil war, medieval times, the prarie and wilderness,Christmas books,some gothic romance, Amish fiction and lots more. And I mean lots more, lol. What are you favorite generes to read ? I would love to read your latest book !

    Deanne Cnnamongirl(at)aol(dot)com

  14. My favorite genres are Medievals and late 19th century if I was going to narrow it down to 2. But I also love reading some regency novels especially if they have suspense in them. Renaissance is fun. Honestly if a book is well written if it is a historical I can really enjoy it!

  15. How'd you come up with the title?

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. Thanks for coming by! The title actually came from a scene that I ended up taking out because I felt like it referred to something that was to modern. The hero puts his sword into the ground, making it look like a cross and he kneels before it, but coming to the foot of the cross is more a modern term and so I decided to remove that part but I kept the name as it still fit the book. :o)

  16. Hey Debbie, I know you have done a great deal of research for your book. Do you have a Pinterest board about the books you've written and plan on writing? I notice alot of authors do that. I think it is very interesting.
    pam1lunsford ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com

    1. Hey Pam! I do! Here is the link.

    2. Thank you so much. I am following your board and loving it.

  17. Debbie Lynne, I'm wondering, do you choose your influencers based on reviews they've done for others? Or does your publisher have a group? Would love to win. Thank you for the opportunity.

    1. Hey Marianne! What a great question! How I found my influencers was by putting a comment on Facebook that I needed influencers! LOL! I had no idea what kind of reviews they wrote. I really wanted honest reviews and was hoping they'd like my book! If you would like to go on my review list, shoot me an email. I'd be happy to put you on it! Good luck in the drawing!!

  18. What inspires you most in thinking of the storylines you will work on? sonja dot nishimoto @ gmail dot com

    1. The bible. That may sound cliche' but honestly it is the truth. I mean my hero and heroine have to have spiritual arcs. And there is no better place to find the struggles we all go through than the bible.

  19. Wonderful interview, Amber and Debbie Lynne!!! I'm a fellow homeschooler! After 20 years, our youngest graduated last May. Whew! I thought I was going to have tons of free time to just lay around and read and eat bonbon's...not!

    Don't enter me in the giveaway. I have a copy. :)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Anne! So glad you enjoyed the interview. It's nice to meet another fellow homeschooler. My mom homeschooled all of my 11 siblings and I. Congratulations on graduating the last one! That's an amazing accomplishment. I sure have an appreciation for you homeschool moms.
