
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Ah, the Victorian!

Emilys new house
The Victorian is my absolute favorite design. The picture on the left is what I had in mind for The Cat Lady's Secret. Since I can't afford one, wouldn't be able to renovate or maintain one, I decided to give it to Emily Taylor. That's what authors do--we live vicariously through our characters.
Do you know what was going on when these beautiful houses were being built? Everything!
This was the generation of the Industrial Revolution--steam engines, diesel engines, planes, trains, and automobiles. Construction used a variety of new materials and new building methods and tools to make sure these architectural wonders withstood the test of time. And for the most part, they have. May need a new paint job and some serious modernizing, but they can be found in almost every town dating back to the turn of the 20th century.
The Queen Anne isn't the only type of Victorian there is. We've got yer Gothic, yer Italianate, yer folk style, shingle style, stick style. Seriously, if you're writing SteamPunk, you need to explore these. Gothic is especially popular for it and other genres.
My favorite, though, is the QA. Built in England long before its popularity in America, the architectural design marked the Queen Anne Movement-- a period in the late 19th century that celebrated her reign in the 18th century, even though the style had nothing to do with the good mother of the empire, but dated back to the late Tudor era.
QAVHere in America, it got dolled up far better than what they did with it in jolly ol' England--or perhaps the Brits would consider it gaudy, who knows? The American version comes with plenty of decorative woodwork ("gingerbread trim") and the signature round tower. The color schemes are almost always fun. Two or three--or more--complementary or contrasting hues work together for the big Look at me! effect. And I always look.
victorian interiorThe interiors tend to be formal, with lots of woodwork and elaborate wallpaper designs. Those who renovate these homes, though, tend to choose subtler, more muted colors, God bless 'em. Doesn't make the room less showy, but does add some class.
I'm totally a fan of this style of home. Loud and brazen with garish colors and trim matching the taste of the avant garde and the neaveau riche, or muted and tasteful, stately, like the established, high-brow class--doesn't matter, I love them all.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be entered in the giveaway for Amelia's Legacy by Betty Thomason Owens! Check the Weekly Windup on March 23rd to see if you're the winner. For more information on our giveaways, click on the Prizes Galore page.


  1. Love these victorians. How very beautiful!

    1. Aren't they? I'd love to find blueprints for them and recreate one with modern conveniences.

  2. OH, I love touring these old homes. Well, truth be told, just about any old home. :) Thanks for the lovely post, Linda. Where did you find these pics?

    1. There was an architectural website that had a huge section about Victorians in it. I didn't know there were so many different kinds!

  3. Thank you for a great post! I love beautiful, old homes!

  4. I write in the Victorian era too, but my houses are much more simple, like stick or log. But there are a lot of QA in this area, some I've toured. Would have been lovely to live in those houses.

    1. I don't write in the Victorian era, but my contemporary character in *The Cat Lady's Secret* buys one for renovation. Living vicariously through her. :D

  5. I agree, such beautiful homes. I do love to see them in their full glory.

    1. Me too. There is one in town that has passed from renovator to renovator, but hasn't been brought back to life yet. Apparently there is so much wrong with it that the folks run out of funds before they can finish it. Next thing you know, it's back on the market again. I wish I had the funds and patience for it!
