Today we have an interview with Historical Romance author Jen Cudmore. She grew up on the Columbia River Gorge and currently resides in Alaska with her husband, two children, two boxers, and a fluffy black cat. You can find her at
Jen, thank you so much for sharing with us today. What made you decide to become a writer?
I never considered writing until after I'd started a family. I was an avid reader in my younger years, but during college and then when my kids were little, who had time to read for fun? Then one summer I decided to catch up and read a ton of books. Suddenly, my brain started filling with story ideas, so I wrote one down. I tucked it away but my husband found it. He encouraged me to pursue writing, but it took me a couple years to seriously pursue the dream. I wanted to be sure that was the direction God was leading me. And finally this year I got a publishing contract!
Wow! Congratulations! Where did the inspiration for your latest book come from?
I honestly don't remember! It was one of the plot lines I had jotted on my list a while back (my brain is overloaded with story ideas!) When Murray Pura asked me to join the Blue Heaven Romance team, I went through my list until I found a story I thought would be short enough and fit the criteria for the series. The Whispers of Angels is a novella about young love. The characters quickly learn that life is hard, and love will be challenged.
How does your faith and spirituality work in with your writing?
I've always been a romantic, and am amazed at how God intended for man and woman to complete each other. One of my favorite Bible verses is Song of Solomon 8:6&7."Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its ardor unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned."
God meant for man and woman to enjoy each other and when they do so within the parameters He set, it's a beautiful picture of who He is. I hope my stories encourage women to look for positive qualities in a life partner, and to foster an environment of real romance, rather than fantasy, as they grow old together.
What are you working on next?
Vikings! At this point, there are are only two Christian Viking novels out there. Publishers aren't convinced there is a market for such stories, but I believe people are interested! I created a fictional country in Scandanavia at the turn of the tenth century. On the edge of the untamed lands of historic Scandinavia lies the island of Tavland, a small country struggling to establish credibility as a nation throughout the region. Tavland's nobles hope to unite the island under one ruler and earn the respect of neighboring countries. The first novel is basically done, and I am working on the second one now. Once my last western story is released (The Lawmen of Clayton County series), then I'll focus on publishing The Tavland Sagas, which right now is 4 books.
That sounds great! I love vikings. Thanks so much for taking the time to be with us today, Jen! I've enjoyed our visit.
The Whispers of Angels
Abandoned by his father, despised by his step-father, and shunned by most of society, Raymond Foss does his best to run the farm and ensure his family can survive on what little they have. When Raymond's mother dies and he's left to care for his four small siblings on his own, Eliza Potter, who has known little heartache in her own life, steps in to help. Neighbors and yet strangers, they seek to understand the beginnings of young love. When life becomes increasingly difficult, what will they hold on to? And what will they let go?
Click to see all Jen's books on Amazon
I enjoyed this interview with Jen and thank you for sharing!