
Friday, April 10, 2015

Authors have FUN, too!

I had so many ideas as I contemplated what to write about on my first "Fun Friday" here at Stitches Thru Time! And then, on Tuesday of this week, after meeting with the Luncheon Ladies and Famished Fellers at the local Mexican Restaurant, I went by the post office and picked up a box waiting for me.
       With great expectation, I opened it right there, and pulled out my FIRST COPY of my April release SING A NEW SONG! When we got home, I didn't even let Ron--my dear husband--get inside the house before coercing him into taking my picture with the NEW BOOK.                                                                   So I sit on a felled tree trunk and he takes this photo (and about eight others) with the pond in the background--the view out my kitchen window. I call it the Pool of Praise. :) Then he hops up onto the picnic table beside my log seat and starts clicking more photos from high above me. Thing is, he taps the phone screen so hard, he moves it almost every time so they are blurry. He takes about twenty hoping one won't be!

      Anyway, I thought about how much fun it is to open that box and see all those days, weeks, months of work come to fruition, hold that baby in your hands, that's what I'd write about!
       It's fun to start a novel and get to know your characters, it's like giving yourself a whole new set of friends. Being with them is fun. SO you write and write every chance you get and think about the story in between.
       Then comes the first fun 'moment' of typing THE END. The manuscript is finally finished, the story is complete, but the author is far from done. That's when the real work begins: edits and rewrites until you're the blurry one! But the author buckles down and attains the goal of knowing it's ready, the best it can be.
       One day not too much after that, you get to tear into a box, and there they are! One after another. Book after beautiful book, and you get to feel it and hold it and know that it is real! This is my sixteenth new title, but opening that box never gets old. The thrill is always there. I love meeting readers and signing books, but if I had to say what my favorite part of writing, of being an author, it's opening the box and getting your hands, at last, on the prize!
       How about you? What's the most FUN part of your work?






  1. I LOVE being an author. All of it. That's not to say I don't get discouraged or whatever, but I'm like a red rubber ball :) --I bounce back into high spirits pretty quickly! Lol That is fun--holding your new book in your hands for the first time! Whooooeee!

  2. It's fabulous to see the pictures thank you. You look incredibly happy & why not!!!!!

  3. fun to see you with your new book! I love to open the mail with beautiful new books. Congratulations on your new book..

  4. Love this post, Cary. You look so happy. Love the setting around you. What a beautiful pond. Yes, isn't it fun! I need to get back to writing. I'm so ready to hold one in my hands again.
