
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weekly Windup: Comment to Win A Question of Destiny by Anita Higman

Congratulations to Mary Preston who was the winner of Amelia's Legacy by Betty Thomason Owens!

If you are a winner, please contact us here with your address to claim your prize. 

This Week's Giveaway is:

Lucy O’Brien is about to be given ten millions dollars.
Multi-millionaire, Ian Chalmers, has decided to give a portion of his wealth to Lucy because of her courageous and self-sacrificing lifestyle. With these sudden riches, Lucy is given a chance to rise above her meagre income and enter a whirling and glittering world of comfort and privilege. Since Ian is concerned that Lucy may struggle with this unexpected change in fortune, he hires his assistant—the solitary and stony Andrew Whitfield—to watch over Lucy as she adapts to her new way of life.
Will this windfall be Lucy’s undoing, or can she rise above the temptations within Houston’s high society and choose to be a nobler version of herself? And will Andrew Whitfield cause her to close the door on her dreams, or is he the key that opens the rest of Lucy’s destiny?

This giveaway runs through April 5th. Comment on any post between now and then to enter, and remember, the more comments you make, the more entries you earn!

    Winners will be announced in the Weekly Wind-up.

Coming Up This Week:

Monday: Devotion by Shirley Raye Redmond
Tuesday: Women's Property Rights in the 1800's with Michelle Morris
Wednesday: Sewing Historical Costumes
Thursday: Book Review by Heidi Main
Friday: Betting on Hope Book Review by Jodie Wolfe
Saturday: Exclusive Birthday Interview with Author Nancy Bolton

We look forward to hanging out with you this week!

 Check out our Prizes Galore Page to see all our giveaways.