
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How Green Are Ye?

Top o' the mornin' to ya an' a happy St. Patrick's day to ye all!

(Crystal, here. Quite a departure from my normal country welcome, ain't it?)

I thought we'd have some fun seeing how green y'all are. (And I don't mean with jealousy. :) ) See how many questions you can answer in the affirmative then tell us how "green" you are.

Ready ... go!

1. Did you go to bed wearing green so you wouldn't get woken up with a pinch?
    I admit I had to do this too many times growing up. :) Having green eyes wasn't enough.

2. Are you planning to eat (or have already eaten) corned beef and cabbage?
    Sorry, I'm not a lover of cabbage y'all.

3. Did you know that St. Patrick wasn't even born in Ireland?
    Don't feel bad if you didn't know this one. I didn't learn it 'til just the other day. He was actually born in Roman Britain. He was kidnapped and brought to Ireland as a slave at the age of 16. 

4. Did you know that he escaped slavery and returned to his homeland?
    It's true. After more than 6 years in slavery, he walked nearly 200 miles to the Irish coast. He escaped to Britain where he studied for more than a decade to become a priest before returning as a missionary to Ireland and its people.

5. Did you know legend has it that St. Patrick used the shamrock to teach about the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit)?
    Makes sense, doesn't it? :)

6. Did you know March 17th is the day of his death (not his birth)?
     Yeah, it was news to me too.

7. Do you know when and where the first St. Patrick's Day parade took place in the United States?
    Yeah, I didn't either. It was on March 17, 1762 in New York City.

So how well did you do on our "green" scale? Did you know all the answers? If not, what was news to you?


  1. It would appear that I am Mike Wazowski Green. I am Irish on my mother's side though.

    1. Hi Mary! That's a fun green to be. :) You got almost half of them.
      I'm told I have Irish in my line somewhere too, or at least that's what we blame the red hair on. :)

      Thanks for stopping by today.

  2. Interesting tidbits, Crystal. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Shirley Raye! Glad you enjoyed the tidbits. How many did you already know?

  3. I am Emerald Green...only because I'm Orange Irish. The cover for the giveaway book is so nice!

  4. I don't make an effort to wear green since I'm not Irish. I will be having leftover cabbage casserole tonight, but only by coincidence. Didn't Patrick have something to do with snakes, or was that someone else?

    1. Hi Terri! Believe it or not, but I don't think I put on a speck of green this morning. Oops. :) Maybe I should go find some green socks or something.
      As for the snake thing, there's a legend that claims he is responsible for no snakes in Ireland, but from what I can tell, it's based on fiction not fact.

  5. Nice. Loved these tidbits of info!

    1. Hi Carole,
      Glad you enjoyed them. How many did you already know?

  6. What fun! I am Emerald green, which is fitting since that happens to be my birthstone. I have some Irish in me as well. I REALLY want to visit Ireland sometime.

    Terri, there is a legend that St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland, but the said snakes were figurative. There are no snakes in Ireland.

    1. Yay! Great job, Amber, and how fitting. :) I had to look up that bit about snakes. You're right, and that fact alone makes me want to visit. :)

  7. I am Kermit Green... since I am going to town today (hence no time for corned beef and cabbage), and also, I don't have to worry about wearing green to bed. HAHA! The one question I didn't actually know the answer to was the first US parade. Not surprised it was on March 17, but had no idea when or what year. ;)

    1. Hi, Laura! Kermit green is a great color. :) I've been invited to partake of corned beef and cabbage, but I doubt that's going to be happening. I had no idea when the first parade was until I started researching for this post, so don't feel bad. :)

      Thanks for dropping by today!

  8. Just Granny Smith green! I have corned beef and cabbage in the crockpot and I knew about shamrocks and the Trinity. But shouldn't this Polish girl get a point for wearing a green shirt and shamrock earrings? :)

    1. Hi Peggy! I'd give you points for the shirt and earrings. That'd make you Mike Wazowski green. :)

      Hope you enjoy your crockpot meal. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Yes, I knew them all. But not because I'm Irish...but because I LOVE reading about the Saints. We visited Scotland, to one of the Islands where he landed and did mission work. :-)

    1. Awesome, Holly! Good job! I'm sure that visit to the islands was gorgeous. :)

      Thanks for stopping by today. :)
