
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Birthday Interview with Nancy Bolton

Today I'm excited to introduce you to Nancy, a friend and author who has a birthday this week. Nancy agreed to give us an exclusive birthday interview!

Nancy Shew Bolton is a wife of 41 years, mother of five grown sons, and grandmother to a boy and girl. Ever since she learned to write, she would jot down her thoughts and impressions in little snippets of inspiration in the form of poetry, song lyrics, or short essays. About six years ago, she decided to try her hand at writing a full-length book. She’s since written five works of fiction, two non-fiction, and is working on an idea for a children’s book, as well as more fiction manuscripts. Writing a full-length work is much more challenging than she thought, and she has received so much valuable assistance from other writers, especially from the ACFW critique groups. Her husband has been supportive of her long hours spent at the keyboard. Many thanks to her beloved Johnny! She thanks God and His Son for her life, her loved ones and the spark of creativity inside every person. She believes each person is a unique creation, with their own special voice and place in this amazing universe. God’s handiwork amazes her every day

Happy Birthday, Nancy, and thank you for joining us! What made you decide to become a writer? 
Ever since elementary school. I’d write down short poems and thoughts. It filled a need, yet I married young and had a big family, so I only wrote short inspired pieces whenever time permitted, which wasn’t often while helping raise five sons! My oldest sister encouraged me to try Nanowrimo in 2008, and that’s when I wrote my first full length story, which became my debut novel, The Right Ingredients. It’s an inspirational Christian romance that came out last September..

 Where did the inspiration for your latest book come from?
 My book Hidden Storms will be out in May. It takes place during the dust bowl and Depression years. My mother encouraged me to watch the series by Ken Burns about the dust bowl, since she knew of my interest in that time in history. Watching that inspired me to write Hidden Storms. The people who endured those years are truly awe-inspiring to me.

How does your faith and spirituality work in with your writing? 

My faith is the center of my life, and the most important relationship, so this is a big factor in my storylines, and the characters within them. I think each person has a built-in spiritual hunger and curiosity. Humans may be diverse, but we all need the same basic things, and I believe a relationship with our Creator is one of the most compelling needs. So this comes into play for my characters.

What are you working on next? 
Right now, I’m working on a contemporary novella with the theme that love always protects. I’m about half done with that, so I can’t tell you the outcome, because I don’t know it yet! I’m also working on a historical inspirational that takes place in the 20’s. I love historicals because I get to read a lot about the time period, which is almost as much fun as writing about it!

That's one of the funnest things about your writing, is that you do both contemporary and historical. Looks like you have some great stuff going on. How can reader's find you on the internet?

Readers can connect with me on any of the following, I'd love to hear from them.

Thank you so much for being with us, Nancy! 

Leave a comment wishing Nancy a happy birthday to be entered to win an e-copy of her book!

About Nancy's book, All the Right Ingredients:

Missing the right ingredients for a life of joy, a young baker learns lessons in the true recipe for love.
Ann’s hectic work responsibilities demand all her time and effort, and what was once a useful, satisfactory life has become a burden. Her bakery partner Susan has lost none of her enthusiasm for their business, and Ann can’t understand her exuberance, or her friend’s Christian faith. So she trudges along, hiding her dissatisfaction from Susan, resigned to a life of work, sleep and problems.
Unexpected comments offered by two different people cause a crack in Ann’s armor and her thoughts careen into unexpected directions. Attention from a young widower with a son challenges Ann’s resolve to stay safe and uninvolved. Susan’s example of faith through trial furthers Ann’s curiosity about God. Ann must choose to step toward the unfamiliar freedom of giving and receiving love, or stay in the shadows, stuck in the grip of past hurt and long-standing barriers.

Barnes and Noble: To buy on Barnes and Noble
Prism Book Group: Prism Book Group


  1. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Nancy ! ! Your book sounds like a good one.. I'd enjoy reading it :)
    dkstevensneAToutlookD OtCoM

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Deanna! Best wishes in the giveaway.

  2. ¯`v´¯)
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    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.•:*¨¨*:•..•:*¨¨*:•..•:*¨¨*:•..•...
    ┊  ┊  ☆ Happy Birthday, Nancy!!
    ┊  ★

  3. Happy Birthday to you;
    Happy Birthday to YOU;
    Happy birthday dear NANCY!!!!
    Happy birthday to YOUUUU!

    Now for the cake and ice cream. Who wants some?

  4. Happy Birthday, Nancy! I absolutely love your writing (even though it probably doesn't look like it with all the red marks.) hehehehe I hope your day was awesome!

  5. Happy Birthday to you Nancy. Your book sounds fun. I would enjoy reading it. Wishing you a wonderful day !

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Deanne. Best wishes in the giveaway. :)

  6. Happy birthday Nancy! This book sounds great, and I can't wait for the new one in May. :)

  7. Happy birthday Nancy! Really enjoyed the interview and think amazing you knew you wanted to be a writer at such a young age! Excited for your novel as I love stories with
