
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Meet the Mind Behind A Stitch in Crime

Howdy y'all! Crystal, here. I'm so glad to introduce you to the great mind behind A Stitch in Crime. Cathy Elliott is such a joy to talk to and her new mystery sounds like such a fun read. (Oh, and if you stick around you might win a copy, hint, hint. :) )

So, Cathy, tell us a bit about yourself.

After many years working as a Library Information Technician in a community college, I’ve retired and am now a full-time writer of cozy mysteries and more on my trusty Mac. My newest novel is A Stitch in Crime, a Quilts of Love book, the last in the series. Other books include, Medals in the Attic: An Annie’s Attic Mystery, and my recently re-released debut novel, A Vase of Mistaken Identity

As much as I love being a writer, maybe I cherish my role as “Gramsey” to my two grandgems even more. I try to hone those skills as often as I can. When I’m not with the wee ones, which is more often than not, I enjoy crafty things: quilting, sewing, decorating, creating cool gift bags kind of fun. And lots of reading!

Who doesn't love a good book? :) I know I do. By the way, congratulations on your new release! What is A Stitch in Crime about?

Thanks for the good wishes, and for asking about the book. Here’s a little taste: 

Thea James thought working as co-chair for Larkindale’s first quilt show extravaganza would be a natural extension of her antique business. But while organizing the busy week’s premiere events would make anyone frayed, she doesn’t expect a complete unraveling!

At the opening soirĂ©e, local matriarch Mary-Alice Wentworth is knocked unconscious and robbed of her diamond brooch. Soon a rare quilt—the main attraction and a rumored key to great riches—goes missing. Those who signed up to help Thea are strangely no help at all. What more could possibly happen?

Amid a cast of colorful characters and a tight schedule of garden galas, tea parties, and televised socials, everything is falling apart at the seams – and nothing is quite what it seems. Can Thea sew everything back together?

This sounds like such an interesting read. I love a good mystery that keeps me guessing. Where did you get the inspiration for your story?

After perusing a book about Civil War quilts and the Underground Railroad, I wondered about messages in quilts and legacies over time. That was the core spark for me to create the fictional Larkin’s Treasure, a quilt with a secret of great riches that is highly prized. And decide how someone might insert that message into it somehow, yet in a way that isn’t apparent and is mysterious.

I love how historical tidbits can spark ideas. Do you have a favorite scene in the book? If so, can you tell us a bit about it?

I have a few favorites, but I loved writing the afternoon tea scene out at the Lake House. Thea was in the throes of her “investigation” but trying not to appear so since the local Police Detective’s wife was also there. Watching Gram thwart Thea’s desire to keep a secret in bumbling-Gram-style was a delight to write. (I love Gram.)

Sounds like there's some humor there. :) What do you plan to work on next?

Though I’m still having Thea-withdrawals, it’s time to move on. So, I have another mystery series in the works. And a romance novel that might see the light of day, too. Plus, a secret project I’m not ready to talk about yet, but hope to see come to fruition. Lots to keep me up late writing – which is when I work best.

You know how to tease, don't you? :) Where can readers connect with you? Where can they buy your book?

Some of my frequent online haunts: Website & Occasional Blog -,
Pinterest,  and Facebook – Author Cathy Elliott
And lots of places to buy the book:

Thanks for all the info and links. Okay, last but not least, apart from writing, what is your favorite creative outlet?

It’s a tie between quilting and playing my guitar. Or fiddle. Not doing much fiddling these days, so I let Thea’s mum play her violin in a string quartet as my outlet. I do music leading at church, working with some dedicated, talented folks. And belong to a lovely quilt guild that reminds me of the Quilt-Without-Guilt-Guild in the book. Sort of. :)

Ooo, love to hear me some fiddlin'. :) Would love to see those lovely creations of yours too. :) Well, it's been such fun chatting with you today, Cathy. 

Everyone, I hope you liked the sound of Cathy's book because she'll be giving away a copy of A Stitch in Crime to one of this weekend's commenters, so now's the time to get those questions in. :) If you've no questions, here's one for you: Do you like reading a good mystery? If so, what's a favorite you've read in the past?

(P.S. I'll announce this winner on Monday, March 2nd in the comments and on our Weekly Wind-up post. If you don't win this contest, remember your comments also enter you into our bi-monthly drawing. The winner for that giveaway will be announced on the Weekly Windup on March 9th. For more information on our giveaways, visit our Prizes Galore page. Thanks for dropping by!)


  1. Cathy, your new story sounds super. I've always admired quilters, never made one though. Love that you're Gramsey ;) I'm Grami - after my mother who was Mimi - and my sister is Meemsy :) Also your grandgems :) I call mine grandsugars, so we have some lots in common! I have 14 and my first GREAT grandsugar is baby girl Haven coming next month! I'll love reading your new novel! :) And thanks Crystal for bringing Cathy to Stitches Thru Tome for us to meet! :) Blessings!

    1. Hi Caryl! Thanks for dropping by today. I admire quilters too. I've started a quilt but haven't finished it yet. Someday. :)

    2. Caryl, I replied below without hitting the reply button. Duh. So here it is again, in case you missed it. And pardon for the duplication.

      Caryl...Grandsugar!!! I love that. May I use it in a book some time? I can see we have similar interests & styles. Thanks so much for your comment and good luck! Maybe you'll win the book. :-)

  2. I love to read a good mystery & this does sound like such a fabulous read. Anne Perry writes mysteries set in Victorian England. So much fun.

    1. Mary, I've read some Anne Perry, too. I like her Thomas & Charlotte Pitt novels!

    2. Hi Mary!!! I don't think I've read Anne Perry, but I do love a good mystery. Do you find you solve the mystery before you're told whodunit?

  3. Caryl...Grandsugar!!! I love that. May I use it in a book some time? I can see we have similar interests & styles. Thanks so much for your comment and good luck! Maybe you'll win the book. :-)

  4. Good morning, ya'll! It's 7 degrees here in CO, and I'm curled up under a pile of blankets with my laptop, and a Vanilla Chai tea, hanging out with some of my favorite people here at Stitches Thru Time. (waiving hello to Crystal, Mary and Caryl) What better way to start off a Saturday?

    Cathy, so good to meet you! Your books sound very interesting. I have an obsession with the Civil War era, so I will have to look up this book. I like a good, clean mystery too. :)

    Grandgems, I LOVE that. You have so many talents! how do you manage them all?

    So glad you stopped by today.


    1. Hi Amber!!! (waving back from my somewhat warmer 40s domain) My Saturday started with tidying up the house a bit, so you got me beat. :) Ain't finished yet either.
      I love the thought of weaving a sort-of treasure map into a quilt. What an idea! :)

      Glad to see you here today! Stay warm!

    2. Ah Amber, aren't you kind? Sounds like you are having the perfect weather for some cozy reading for sure. :-) I, too, was fascinated by the Civil War quilt story, though my book is set in a surviving Gold Rush town. Here is the link to the one I read: Just in case, as a Civil War buff, you want to read it, as well. Thanks so much for your interest.

    3. Awesome! Thanks for the link, Cathy. I will check it out.

      Thanks for being our guest this weekend!

  5. Grandgems! Love it. and love mysteries too. Sounds good! Tweeting, as usual.

    1. Thanks for tweeting, Carole! So glad to see you here. :) What do you think is the best thing about mysteries?

  6. As a 40 year quilter I enjoy reading these quilting stories.. I do like reading mysteries. A Promise to Protect by Patricia Bradley is one I enjoyed, dkstevensneAToutlookD OtCoM

    1. Hi Deanna!!! Thanks for the book recommend. Hope you get a chance to enjoy Cathy's story. :)

      Happy Trails,

    2. Sounds like a good read, Deanna. Thanks for the heads up.

  7. What a great interview! I adore the Quilts of Love books and am eager to read A Stitch in Crime! It sounds like a wonderful story. Cozy mysteries are such fun to read!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the interview, Britney! I haven't gotten to read the other Quilts of Love books. What's your favorite thing about cozy mysteries?

  8. Book sounds great! I do cross stitch and a little quilting.

    1. Hi Denise!!! Thanks for stopping by. I don't do cross-stitching near as much as I used to. Do you like doing verses or pictures and such?

  9. The Quilts of Love stories are great...I'd love to read A Stitch In Crime. I adore cozy mysteries.

    1. Hi, Tammy!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this series. You sound like you read a lot of mysteries. Do you often know whodunit before you're told?

  10. I love reading a good, clean mystery. Love the Quilts of Love series and I just started reading the Annie's Attic Mysteries. I'm reading the first book and it looks like Medals in the Attic is next. Would love a chance to win A Stitch in Crime, thank you for the chance.

    1. Hi, Karen!!! So glad you came by. You're in the drawing. :) Thanks for the recommendations of some good, clean mysteries. I so enjoy them too.

    2. Yes! Karen, you'll be reading my book, the 2nd in the Annie's Attic series. I hope you like it. :-)

  11. I love the Kiki Lowenstein books by Joanna Campbell Slan and the new series she started with Cara Mia Delgatto. Fun reads!

    Sandy A

    1. Hi Sandy! Thanks for dropping by. I've never read those stories. Thanks for the recommendations. :)

  12. I absolutely love a good mystery. Mystery and suspense are my two favorite genres. I would suggest the Smart Chick mystery series by Mindy Starns Clark. They were definitively a fun read. Thanks for the interview and entering me in the giveaway.

    1. Hi Melissa! Thanks for visiting! I love mystery and suspense too. I haven't read those books though but I've read a lot of Dee Henderson. :) You're in the drawing!

      Happy Trails,

  13. Thank you for a great interview. Cozy mysteries are great and the Quilts of Love books are some of the best!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Hi, Melanie!!! So glad you could drop by. Hope you get to enjoy the whole series. :)

    2. Congrats, Melanie! You're the winner of A Stitch in Crime!

    3. Congratulations, Melanie! I look forward to sending you my cozy. Pronto. And hope you enjoy it very much.

    4. Thank ya'll so very much. I am thrilled!

  14. Great interview. I used to read a lot of mysteries from all kinds of authors but have cut down. Now, I only read from a few authors that are still my favorites and they write cozy mysteries.

    1. Welcome, KayLee! Glad you enjoyed the interview. Who's one of your favorite mystery writers that you still read?

    2. I still like reading the Agatha Raisin series by M.C. Beaton. Another one is Linda Castillo's Kate Burkholder Amish series.

    3. KayLee...the Agatha Raisin series is my secret vice. What a snarky "heroine." But irresistibly so. :-) If you ever read Beaton's Hamish Macbeth series, I found a BBC Scotland TV series of Hamish & the nutty inhabitants of Lochdubh. Pretty fun! Here is the first episode on YouTube: Super cute stuff! Enjoy....

  15. Yes, I like mysteries, but I can't remember the one I read last.

    1. I know what you mean, susanlulu. I've been on a historical romance kick myself lately. Although, some of those do have mysteries interwoven into them. :) Thanks for dropping by!

  16. I love the Quilts of Love books. I just finished new book Gilt by Association by cat lover Karen Rose Smith. She lives in PA like me. Cozy mysteries are so enjoy able to read they have quilts and cats, yeah ! I would really love to read A Stitch In Crime. Congrats on it's publication !

    1. Thanks, Deanne. Sounds like you would approve of my favorite definition of a cozy mystery. "Cats or quilts and not a lot of blood." :-)

  17. We have the Annie's Attic Mystery books, the Quilts of Love Series, and Annie's Quilted Mysteries in the church library.
    Our library readers love a good mystery.
    Janet E.

    1. Janet, that's so fun to hear! What a blessing for me to be a part of two out of three series. :-)

  18. There is a lot of history behind quilts and I love the stories. Thank you so much for this interview, it is wonderful to learn more about cozy authors.


    1. So glad you enjoyed the interview, Carol. It's such fun learning the story behind the story, don't you think? Thanks for stopping in!

  19. I love mysteries, a favorite from the past year was Awakening by Tracy Higley. It was such an unusual story with exotic locations, time travel and a touch of romance... it was so good! :)
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Merry!!! Thanks for the recommendation. I haven't read that one. The description reminds me a bit of Lynne Gentry's writings though. :) So glad you could come by today!

  20. Hello to Cathy. You sound like you do so many different things I don't see where you find the time. How long have you played the Guitar and Fiddle. I always wished I could plat something mostly piano but both hands want to the same thing. :) You are very talented. I sewed many years and really enjoyed it until my back and neck got bad. Oh, I love the rhyming sentences you make, like Meet the Mind behind the Crime plus others.
    Please add mt name for the drawing. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

    1. Hi Maxie: You are making me blush! The truth is, of course, I'd do each thing better if I didn't do so many. I tend to go in seasons of music. Right now, not so much violin and keeping my toes in with the guitar, leading music at church mostly. Writing takes a LOT of time. AND...Crystal Barnes, the host of this great blog, is responsible for the cute, rhyming title. She came up with that idea. So all accolades to go Crystal! Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving a comment. :-)
