
Monday, February 23, 2015

Discipline Shouldn't Have a Bad Connotation

If you bring up the topic of discipline to most people it comes with a bad connotation. Somewhere along the lines of this...
or this:

But I find God has been showing me something different through His Word.

He says:
"A wise son responds to his father’s discipline,but a mocker doesn’t listen to rebuke." 

Proverbs 13:1

"My son, do not take the Lord’s discipline lightly
or faint when you are reproved by Him,
for the Lord disciplines the one He loves
and punishes every son He receives."

Hebrews 12:5b-6

I recently found myself in what seemed like an insurmountable circumstance. I had less than two weeks to get my house cleaned and ready for company. Now to most it wouldn't seem like much... but my house was an utter wreck. In the past year we've dealt with water damage that meant having to totally renovate a bathroom. For months on end we've had tools covering our dining room table. Then we spent most of last summer helping my in-laws downsize and move to an apartment. Most of the things they chose to downsize came to my already overflowing house.

These circumstances were followed by me being away from home for two months helping my mother-in-law before she went home to be with her Lord and Savior. After her death, while grieving, I had no desire to work on cleaning up the house even though it desperately needed it.

When faced with having to suddenly clean up the main living areas, I got into high gear. Honestly, I really didn't think I'd make great progress. I thought I might have to just box everything and put it in a room and out of sight for when company came over.

While in the midst of working hard, I came across this Bible verse:
"No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the fruit of peace and righteousness to those who have been trained by it." 
Hebrews 12:11

God showed me how even though I was under tight guidelines, cleaning up was something that had been needed. Discipline can be a good thing. When I choose to follow God and His discipline, the end result is peace.

Oh, by the way, today I'll be putting a final touch on the last room. Tomorrow things will be ready for that company.

What areas are you needing to become more disciplined? 

Are you ready to think of it without having a bad connotation?

Posted by: Jodie Wolfe A.K.A. Digging for Pearls
You can read more of my musings at

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  1. Groan! Jodie, I loved this! I've been in similar situations before, and what a task to undertake! But, oh, the rewards from the results! Great post. Oh, yeah, congrats, on your success!

    1. I think some people think of discipline as a four-letter-word, but God looks at it differently. :)

      Thanks for the congrats. I know I only accomplished it because of the Lord giving me strength.

  2. Discipline is definitely needed more nowadays. I have a porch you have reminded me to get to it & get it done :) thanks...
    dkstevensneAToutlookD OtCoM

    1. I'm glad my ponderings encouraged you, Deanna. I'll be praying that God speaks to you as you work on that porch. :) Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I am not a disciplined person in so many ways and I really need to work on that. Your post was great and makes me want to tackle things in my house that need my attention desperately. Thank you!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Believe me Melanie, I'm often not a disciplined person, but God has been showing me of the need to change that... in all areas of my life. I'm thankful that He gives us the strength even when a task seems insurmountable. I'll be praying for you as you start to tackle your house. Let me know of your progress. :)

  4. I need to become more disciplined in several areas of my life and the verses you shared are wonderful encouragement. Thank you for this great post, Jodie!

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

    1. I'm thankful that the verses encouraged you, Britney. I'll be praying for you as you strive to be more disciplined.
