
Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Thing of Beauty is a Beautiful Thing

It's my pleasure to review A Thing of Beauty by Lisa Samson today. It’s a simple story. But the writing is exquisite. Every single word, phrase, and image folds perfectly into the theme and story. The words themselves are a thing of beauty, not to mention the subject matter.

 The characters are lovable, beginning with the protagonist who was a famous actress who left the business. We all love a great celebrity story, and it reads almost like a news magazine show about a beloved actress who has stayed out of the public eye for years after a terrible demise. But instead of that predictable story, this actress reaches a critical moment where she must choose whether to let a few extraordinary people into her life or to remain isolated forever.

Mix in some family problems, money problems, and a disastrous house, and the story really takes off. The house itself becomes a character in the story. At the beginning of the story, we see a beautiful old mansion overrun with collected junk and in need of some serious TLC. Borderline Hoarders material.

There is another element that clings to the story throughout, and it almost feels like magical realism to me. Not quite magic, but not quite exempt from the supernatural either. It’s about small providential moments in life that make a person think, “Well, that was God.” Ms. Samson describes several of those wonderful moments we don’t always know what to do with. Those moments some people respond to with, “Your guardian angel must be working overtime.” And others refer to it as luck. Or Karma.

Fair warning: while this is the work of a Christian author, and it’s published by a Christian publisher, the seasoned Christian reader may be surprised by some mild expletives found throughout. I don’t feel they have been added to rile up the devout, nor do they take away from the story for me. And overall, the language is far milder than that found in typical fiction coming out of the general market.

I believe Ms. Samson has stayed true to her characters, while telling a stunning story of redemption. Not knowing this very talented author, I believe she must have stayed true to her own self as well, because stories that convey truth like this can only come from deep in the heart. I’m so grateful she chose to share it with us.

A Thing of Beauty is truly that.

Remember to leave a comment to get your name in the drawing for Land of My Dreams, by Norma Gail, and be sure to check the "Weekly Windup" on Feb 23rd to see if you've won!


  1. I am intrigued. So much to catch my attention here.

  2. Sounds like a good one. Another to add to my TBR pile!

  3. I would enjoy reading her 'stories that convey truth'... My kind of book :)

  4. Sounds very interesting! I enjoyed her book Quaker Summer, but I think that's the only one I have read by her.


  5. I love the cover of this book. I'd love to read this!

  6. I'll have to check this out. Sounds intriguing.

  7. I've been wanting to read something of hers, now I know which one!

  8. My wife is reading the book now and just commented on the language. Frankly, I am very surprised at the language she showed me. The reviewer states the language is far milder than the typical language coming out of the general market. A big reason we read Christian fiction is because we do NOT want to be assaulted with foul language, mild or otherwise. If we can't trust Christian authors and publishers to keep it clean, who can we trust?
