
Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Reader's look at Deadly Ehoes

We all try to have one little place that is an escape, a chance to get away from the stress and pressure of our lives - whether it be a home, a garden or perhaps just a quiet spot in a library. Sarah Miller thinks she has found such a place. A small town, full of friends, quaint little shops and a strong faith community. Sarah has sought refuge in this quaint town to try and escape a past that includes the murder of her parents and the loss of a stable home life. But Sarah is about to learn a secret that we all must learn. No earthly place can offer us a true sanctuary.

Tragedy destroys Sarah’s peaceful world. The murder of her beloved sister. The world she has built crashes around her and despite the peaceful small town and loving friends, she faces tremendous grief.

But what Sarah needs to learn is that there is only one true Sanctuary. It can’t be found in a place, a person or even an idea.  But only in the One who promises to wipe away all our tears, and to never leave us. The One who promises that He would be our true shelter in times of trouble. We call him Savior.

So the next time you find yourself placing too much emphasis on a person, place or thing to provide you peace, remember it can only come from a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Book Blurb:
After a youth filled with tragedy and upheaval, Sarah Miller's life is finally settled with all echoes of the past silent at last. She happily calls Sanctuary her home and spends her days teaching at the local school. Sarah's joy at her recent reunion with her sister, Hannah, and meeting the niece she didn't know she had is too soon interrupted when Deputy Sheriff Paul Gleason informs Sarah her sister has been killed. As she learns more about Hannah's death, the circumstances are eerily similar to their parents' murder. Sarah enlists Paul's help in digging deeper into the murders the police are dismissing as burglaries gone wrong. Paul's concern encourages Sarah's growing feelings for him, but as their investigation peels back the layers of lies almost twenty years old, they get close to uncovering the truth one person will do anything to hide--even if that means coming after the last remaining members of the Miller family.

Josette Downey  is the christian romance author of A Time to Say Goodbye, The Secret Son and Bonds of Tradition. She has master’s degree in English From East Carolina University, and currently works for a premier test scoring company. She is the mother of a precocious six-year-old girl, who enjoys bugs, snakes and superman.  She enjoys southern cooking, reading and exploring emerging technology, but is best defined by her devotion to her faith and the empowerment of women in the modern world.

To learn more follow her at




  1. This sounds like quite a suspenseful read.

  2. Thanks for the review. Sounds like a great book!

  3. I would so like to read this book at some time. It sounds good and full of suspense. Thanks for the review. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  4. Thank you for featuring Josette's novels here at Stitches Thru Time!
