
Monday, January 5, 2015

What'd She Find Now?

by Crystal L Barnes
What was all the barking about now? Thinking my dog had probably cornered another copperhead for me to kill, I forced myself to vacate my comfy living room recliner and tromp my not-so-happy little self outside. I can't remember now what exactly I'd been doing, but I do recall I'd been feeling a bit sorry for myself, down in the dumps. Ever been there?

Well, I keep a shovel by my door for just such occasions. (Not for being down in the dumps, mind you, for the snakes. :) ) Snatching the shovel, I tromped toward the fence. Kittens were meowing outside the wire near the dog's water trough, which I also discovered was where the dog was causing a regular ruckus. Great! What was the dog doing to the cats, and where was the mama? Why wasn't she protecting them?

I hurry over. (I've had occasion where I've had to chase one of my dogs and snatch a kitten out of its mouth, but that's a different dog and a whole 'nother story.) Well, my dog is barking at a kitten all right, but not in the way I expected. One of the kittens had somehow toppled off the stairs by the water trough and was doing its best to stay alive, doggy paddling in two feet of water.

I snatched it out, and the poor thing was trembling all over, matted hair plastered to every inch of his tiny little body. I set the soaking critter down with its brothers and sisters (I think its mama had shown up by now too - little help that she was), congratulated my guard dog for a job well done, and headed back inside.

Tears sprang to my eyes as I considered what God had done. He'd sent me outside to save the life of a little fur ball that many wouldn't have cared one whit about.

But God had. God cared.

I couldn't help but be reminded of the verses from Matthew 10,
Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

If God cared enough to save a kitten's life, if He's concerned when a sparrow hits the ground, how much more does He care about me, about you? In case someone hasn't told you lately, you matter to God. He cares so much about you that He keeps a tally of every single strand on your head. Did you brush your hair this morning? He knows how many strands stayed in your brush. He adjusted His tally book. Are you feeling despondent, dejected, downtrodden? God knows. He cared enough to have you read this post so you'd be reminded He sees you where you are.

And He cares enough to remind you that you are loved.

Have you taken your concerns to Him today? He's only a prayer away.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mary. Isn't it something how God can use the littlest of things to teach and remind us?

  2. Crystal, thank you for the beautiful reminder! Your post is a timely word of encouragement for me.

    1. Michele, I'm so glad God could use me to encourage you. I was in need of it too. I hope your day is wonderful.

  3. Thank you for your beautiful post.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Melanie. Hope it helps. I know it never hurts to recall how much God truly loves us.

  4. Thanks for the great reminder, Crystal. So glad the kitten got back with its mother.

    1. Hi Martha! So glad you could drop by and the story could help you.

  5. Thanks for your encouraging post Crystal!!

    1. So glad you found it encouraging, Annette. Thanks for dropping by. :)

  6. Thanks for sharing! It's good to be reminded how much God cares for His creation and His children.

    1. Hi KayM! I'm always so thankful when God reminds us how much He cares. :)
