
Friday, January 16, 2015

Step Back Into History

All of my growing up years, I hated history. Well, that isn't exactly true. I disliked trying to memorize dates for a test and trying to figure out how it all fit together. Now as an adult I find the 'stories' in history utterly fascinating.

I recently have been having fun digging into this newspaper.

Although I haven't actually started the writing process yet, I know I'll include a scene or two from this local university.
I enjoyed seeing this picture when I visited my local historical society a week ago:
What fascinates you about history? Have you ever dug into any of the local stories from where you live?

 Posted by Jodie Wolfe AKA Digging For Pearls


  1. My daughter & I have been going through newspaper archives online for articles relating to the family history. For example a fire when my mother was a child. My mother was thrilled that we had found it, especially with a photo. The night of the fire is still very vivid in her mind. My mother was taken in my two elderly sisters in the town until the family could find a new home.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Mary and sharing your story. What fun to find the article and photo for your mother.

  2. I love history, and old newspapers are the best! When we renovated our house (built in 1850) we found pages from The Boston Globe they had used as insulation. One of the pages included the story about the death of Charlie Chaplin's mother. Thanks for your post.

    1. Wow! What a find, Linda and imagine all the history of your home. :) Doesn't it conjure up stories in you mind about what might have happened there?

  3. Most of my digging is in the obituaries. Found out my gr-gr-grandmother lived with her daughter for the last three years of her life and had surgery. Scintillating, I know, but...

  4. I, like you, didn't like all the dates and matching them up with events in history while in school but history is really fascinating. Reading about different occurrences can take you back, pull you in and give you a taste of what happened at a particular time.

    1. I think that's part of the reason why I like history so much now, Melanie. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I love researching old newspapers. I especially like the advertisements and help wanted ads. You can learn about any town that way.

    1. I enjoy those too as well as the little quips that were often included.

  6. I live in a town and area that is steeped in Civil War history so there's not much chance of missing it. Of course, it helps that I do like history. Just last week I found an old news paper in my buffet drawer from 1956. Yeah, that's not really old, but it was fun seeing the prices. Shirts were on sale at Sears for $1.79. Pants were 2.29. Bananas were a nickle a pound.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Patricia. :) I know with living real close to Gettysburg there is a lot of history in my area too.

  7. I never did like History in school but now authors get my interest going in their stories. I've found some very interesting blogs that I'm enjoying and I'm finding historical books at the top of my TBR list :)
