
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hunting Party Time - Decorating Ideas

Since November is deer hunting season, I thought I'd share a few decorating ideas for a Hunting/ Duck Dynasty themed party. I did a similar post a couple months ago on hunting themed party food. If you missed it, click here to view. 

Hunting themed decorations were a little bit tricky for me. I used green and brown streamers, tablecloths and napkins, but I had to create a banner of my own.

Hunting Party Banner:

I started with green and brown construction paper and cut 8 inch squares.

I used decorative scissors for the edges. Next, I cut 6 inch squares out of camo scrapbook paper and glued them to the construction paper squares. 

Next, I made circles that fit nicely inside those 6 inch squares out of the construction paper. 

Finally, I used stencils to cut the letters out of the construction paper also. I punched holes in the two top corners and joined the different letters with orange ribbon. 

Camo Lettering:

When decorating for a hunting party, be sure to buy LOTS of camo duck tape. Here, I overlaid cork letters in duck tape to make camo letters to spell the graduates name.

 Camo Graduation Cap:

I found a disposable paper graduation cap and also overlaid it with camo duck tape. This made for a nice addition to our dessert display. 

Other Random Ideas:

  • Use a hunting lunch box to hold the greeting cards. 
  • Use duck dynasty tissue paper to accent the tables
  • Use fall leaf sequins and feathers like confetti to decorate the tables.
  • Chances are, if you're doing a hunting party for someone, they probably have some hunting decor or figurines that you can use to decorate as well.

Do you have any hunters in your family?

What is the most memorable party decoration you've ever seen?

Multi-published author Amber Schamel writes riveting stories that bring HIStory to life. She has a passion for history, books and her Savior. This combination results in what her readers call "historical fiction at its finest". A homeschool graduate from a family of 12 children, Amber found her calling early in life. First published at age 21, she has continued to hone her craft and is now the author of over half a dozen books. Between ministry, family and working in their family-owned businesses, Amber loves to connect with readers. Find her on the Stitches Thru Time blog, or on any of the major social media sites.  Amber is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, and the Historical Novel Society.
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  1. I don't know anyone who hunts. I don't even know anyone who has a gun. As to party decorations, that would be the bunting I make for different occasions.

    1. Those sound beautiful, Mary! What types of buntings do you make?

  2. Cute idea. As for my party themes...first you have to give a party. :-)

  3. Oh, yes, we have lots of hunters in the family and have enjoyed several camo themed parties! :) The most memorable part décor I've used was for a 50s themed party I hosted for my mother's 50th birthday. We had pictures and memorabilia from her childhood, a jukebox playing great music, soda fountain tables, and so much more! It was such a fun party!

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

    1. What great ideas for a fiftieth, Britney! That sounds like so much fun! The jukebox was a success, I'm sure.

  4. Oh yes, we have hunters. :) Never had a party for hunting though, unless you count the get together to process all that meat. :) We'll be having one of those this week, matter of fact. :)

    1. Haha, somehow our meat processing parties always seem to be late at night!

  5. We definitely have hunters in the family. Camo is a must! The most memorable party for me was the great 50th birthday party my daughter had for me nine years ago. Hula hoop and bubble blowing contests, people dressed in 50's attire, old photos and records , and a juke box filled with great music. A real blast from the past!!!!!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Sure sounds like it would have been! That's awesome, Melanie. :)

  6. I know several of my friends are hunters. Haha, I've only seen a handful of Duck Dynasty episodes, though I have been watching Sadie Roberson on Dancing with the Stars this season.
    One year for my little brother's birthday, my dad made a race car cake with printed decals --it looked really nice. =)

    1. Oh wow, a race car cake would be so neat! Your dad must be a pro.

  7. I love the camo duct tape!!! What a great find!

    1. Thanks, Heidi. It was a staple for sure! Another cute idea that I saw was to put a strip of camo duct tape around the soda cans/water bottles, but we didn't have any canned drinks at his graduation.
