
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Prayer Shawl with Guest Paula Mowery

Several years ago I taught myself to crochet. As a child I had sat perched on the arm of my grandmother’s chair, watching her crochet beautiful afghans. I hoped my memory plus a good do-it-yourself instructional would help me acquire the skills needed to crochet.

I began as many people do, making scarves. Soon, I found myself making something similar to the afghans my grandmother had created. One day someone mentioned prayer shawls. I was intrigued as to what these shawls were so I looked it up on the internet. I loved the concept of crocheting a shawl for a person suffering from some disease or affliction while praying in earnest during the stitching.

My prayer shawls went to women going through breast cancer battles. I used the cool and soothing shades of blue for each of them. Though similar and using the same colors, each shawl was unique in some way by varying the design and color arrangement.

Each time I crocheted another prayer shawl I knew the woman who would receive it and knew some about her cancer battle. As I would stitch, I would pray specifically for that woman. When I delivered the shawl, I explained that the shawl was a symbol of the fact that I had covered the woman in prayer. I asked they remember that God was near when they saw the prayer shawl, and if they felt alone, they could drape the shawl around them and imagine being in God’s embrace.

Eventually I had to stop crocheting altogether because of carpal tunnel symptoms. But, the idea behind the prayer shawls never left me. About a year ago, I imagined a pediatric nurse who had learned to make prayer shawls from her grandmother. She would use these shawls as comfort as well as ways to share the love of Jesus. The prayer shawls would bring her face to face with her biggest challenge, a man who had been disillusioned and strayed from the faith.

Thus, my story named The Prayer Shawl was born. You can find this contemporary Christian romance in my two-story collection called Legacy and Love.

The Prayer Shawl
Sean Holland is a magazine reporter always looking for the next story. Hope Weaver is a pediatric nurse who shares Christ through making prayer shawls. The shawls are just the touchy-feely story Sean needs, even though he’ll have to endure Hope’s strong Christian beliefs to get it. An unexpected connection brings them together as a couple. But, can they find love if they don’t share their faith?

Alex Lyndon’s life has been a series of fits and starts with no finishes. She finds herself jobless and divorced. Now her only family, Granny Olivia, is critically ill. Chase Carson had to step into running the family business when his father died. The time is past due to visit Miss Olivia. Alex and Chase must go on a treasure hunt. Will each find purpose and love for their lives in the process?

Paula Mowery is a published author, acquisitions editor, and speaker. She is a member of ACFW, a pastor’s wife, and mom to a college student. She home-schooled her daughter through all twelve years, and they both lived to tell about it. Before educating her daughter at home, she was an English teacher in public school. You can follow Paula on Facebook. Learn more about Paula at her blog or enjoy her monthly columns on Christian Online Magazine. You can also check out her blog for Christian writers.


  1. I taught myself how to crochet too, Paula. I'm sure your prayer shawls are lovely and were/are appreciated by many. I've put my hand to more blankets than anything. :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. I taught myself how to crochet and knit. For a while I knitted chemo hats and prayer shawls, but deadlines have slowed me down. But... I did start a group at church and that continues!

  3. I don't crochet, but I remember my grandmother doing it, and I have a table cloth she made. It's a treasure. Making prayer shawls and praying for those with health battles is a remarkable thing to do, and I thank you for doing it.
