
Monday, October 27, 2014

Scorched But Satisfied - by Guest Patty Wysong

Sometimes when I round a bend in life I expect to see a beautiful pasture land. Green grass, still waters, shade... But instead I find myself in a scorched land. That's happened just recently and although I tried back-pedaling, it didn't work. (Not that it ever does.) I could smell the stench of the scorched land and I have to tell you, it almost terrified me. I sat down to work on a deadline I have and started flipping through Scripture, looking for a verse or two about having a sensitive spirit to the sin in our lives to go with the devotional that needs to be in today. But God used that time to reassure me. Every silent prayer that's been whispered in my heart recently, and every fear and doubt I had, God spoke to me about as I flipped those pages of Psalms and Isaiah. Verses that were underlined and verses that even had dates and events written beside them. Verses of healing and guidance and affirmation. Only God, who heard my prayers and my cries, could do that.
And the Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. ~Isaiah 58:11 NAS
He truly satisfied my desire in the scorched place, and gave me strength, and comforted me with His water. Are you in a scorched place? God is with you and hears you when you cry out to Him.

Since Patty quit running from God's call on her life and surrendered her pen to Him, she's been happy. Life is never dull as she juggles being a wife, mom to a handful of kids and a couple of Capuchin monkeys, life on the road, and being a writer. As long as she's obeying God's leading, she figures that sanity is a novelty and not a necessity in the zoo she lives in. Patty is passionate about encouraging and enabling others to fulfill what God has called them to, and often writes and speaks on those topics. She clings to the promise that God will enable her to do what He asks of her, otherwise she would be living with the scaredy cats at the Funny Farm and not just occasionally visiting. This fall she has two books coming out, Waging War Against Worry and Winning Peace, as well a Christmas anthology she compiled with several other authors titled, Christmas Treasures: A Collection of Short Stories. She would love to connect with you online. You can find her on her blog Patterings, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.


  1. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post, Patty!

  2. All of us encounter these scorched areas in our lives. I am so glad that all of us can receive the 'living water'. Thanks for a wonderful post!!

  3. Patty, thanks for the gentle reminder that God is with us everywhere, whether on the scenic route or the rough-on-the-eyes path.
