
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Interview & #BookGiveaway with Mona Hodgson

Howdy y'all! Crystal here. Look who's stopped by today for an interview and giveaway--my buddy and former Stitches Thru Time blogger, Mona Hodgson! The first time I met Mona in person was at an ACFW conference like the one I attended last week. I think you'll really enjoy hearing about her newest story, and those who comment this weekend will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win!

For those who haven't had the pleasure of meeting you, Mona, tell us a bit about yourself. (Love your new headshot by the way. :) )

I'm Mona from Arizona, where we dash into summer and tiptoe into Autumn, my favorite season. I write American Historical Fiction set in the 1800s. My stories feature family relationships, especially sisters and father-daughter. I love talking to women's groups about God's grace and His heart for second chances.

Congratulations on your newest release! What is The Family Quilt about?

Thank you! I'm super excited returning to the late 1890s and to Cripple Creek, Colorado, for The Family Quilt. But there are lots of firsts, too.

* My first Christmas story
* My first long short story (or short novella)
* My first story in a collection
* My first story with Guideposts Books

An adult daughter is making a scrap quilt for Christmas to cheer her newly widowed mother and soon finds that the painful remnants in her own heart are being stitched together in love.

Meet Patsy Michaels, an 1890s stuck-in-the-middle mom to three children, two of them teenage girls, and daughter to a recently widowed and uprooted mother. Good chance she's not the only one who has found herself in difficult circumstances in the Christmas season. I know I've been there. Perhaps you have, too. Join me in the pages of The Family Quilt to see how God answers Patsy's prayers, even the ones she didn't realized had passed from her heart to His.

If you've read my Colorado series, The Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek, you might be happy to know that we're returning to Cripple Creek in The Family Quilt AND we'll once again be having tea in the parlor at Miss Hattie's Boardinghouse.

This sounds like a very heart-touching story. Where did you get the inspiration for your novella?

I was the one at my mom's side when she was widowed at age 56. My two daughters were teenagers, at the time, so I knew what it felt like to be in the middle. My sister, Linda, is a quilter and made a memory quilt for her mother-in-law when her husband passed.

Do you have a favorite scene in the book? If so, can you tell us a bit about it?

The first scene because it features Miss Hattie from The Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek books and the scene where Patsy secretly huddles around her mother's trunk with her two daughters.

What do you plan to work on next?

I'm working on the edits for Keeper of My Heart, a novella in the Convenient Brides Romance Collection, available from Barbour Books, July 2015. This month, I begin writing Something Blue, a story that follows a controversial character from Two Brides Too Many as she returns to Cripple Creek.

You're a very busy gal. :) Where can readers connect with you? 

Website and Blog:
Please be sure to sign up for my quarterly newsletter at
Facebook: Mona Hodgson Author Page

Last but not least, apart from writing, what is your favorite creative outlet?

Decorating my home. I've just given my office a complete makeover.

Ooo, that sounds like fun. Would love to see pictures of that. :) Thanks so much for visiting with us today, Mona. I hope The Family Quilt touches many hearts for God.

Thanks, folks, for taking the time to read this interview. Do you enjoy Christmas stories? Have you read other books by Mona? If so, which was your favorite?

Leave a comment and you'll be entered in a drawing for a copy of The Family Quilt. Check back at the beginning of next week for the winner announced here and on our Weekly Wind-Up post. If you're our winner, please go to our Contact Us page and let us know the snail mail address to send your book to. Thanks!


  1. Hi Mona! I am so glad to see you here and what a great interview! I love, love, love The Quilted Heart. It is three novellas in one and each story is superb!mona is a great writer and anyone that grabs her books is in store for an enjoyable time. Thank you Mona and Crystal!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Happy Saturday. Melanie! What a sweet reader-friend you are. I'm excited for you to read The Family Quilt. Blessings! Mona

    2. Thanks for sharing with us, Melanie. So glad to hear how you've enjoyed Mona's stories. I hope you enjoy this one too. :)

  2. Enjoyed getting to know you, Mona. Love Marriage of Convenience stories. I'll be on the look-out for these. Thanks for the interview, Crystal.

    1. Hi, Elaine! So good to see you here. I appreciate your interest in my books. Happy Autumn, and Happy Reading! Mona

    2. Hi Elaine! Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy Mona's latest. :)

  3. Enjoyed the interview :)
    Yes, I enjoy Christmas stories and already getting some for the holiday season.
    No, I haven't read anything by Mona yet.
    Thanks and have a wonderful weekend.
    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

    1. Hi, Lori! Nice to meet you here. Blessings to you! Mona

    2. Hi Lori! So glad you stopped by and enjoyed the interview. Mona's a wonderful lady and a great writer. Hope you get to enjoy her latest story. :)

  4. Hi Mona! I adore you and your wonderful stories and can't wait to read The Family Quilt!!!!

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Britney! So glad to hear you've gotten to enjoy Mona's stories. Hope you enjoy this one too. :)

    2. Hi, Britney! What a sweet reader-friend you are. Thank you!

  5. Love following you on FB, and would love to read this new book. I visited Cripple Creek as a child.

    1. Good to see you here, Teresa. Thanks for keeping up with me. I appreciate you!

    2. Thanks for stopping in, Teresa. Hope you get to enjoy Mona's latest. :)

  6. Loved the interview! And The Family Quilt sounds great--heart touching!

    1. Hi, Patricia. I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview. Happy Reading and Blessings, Mona

    2. Glad you enjoyed the interview, Pat. Hope you enjoy the story too. :)

  7. I have fallen in love with your books. The first one I ever read was Dandelions on the Wind. cfernstaedt at gmail dot com

    1. Cynthia, so good to see you here. What fun that you're loving my books. Have you met the Sinclair Sisters in Two Brides Too Many? I'm going to be revisiting them in an upcoming story. Blessings, Mona

    2. Aww, Cynthia. That's so sweet. Thanks for dropping by and sharing with us. :)

  8. I enjoy Christmas stories enormously. They give me the ''warm fuzzies".


    1. Oh, Mary, I can't wait for you to meet the Michaels' family then. Have a Blessed Christmas, and Happy Reading!

    2. Ooo, warm fuzzies are always good. =D Thanks for stopping by, Mary.

  9. Hi Mona, I am looking forward to your new Christmas book with the Sinclair sisters.
    It is hard to pick a favorite but I really loved your characters in The Quilted Heart book, so I will say that but I also loved the Sinclair sisters in Two Brides To Many !

    1. Thanks for sharing, Jackie. Hope you get to enjoy this new one of Mona's. :)

      So glad you could stop by. :)

    2. Good to see you here, Jackie. Blessings, and Happy Reading!

  10. Congratulations to our winner--Cynthia (cfernstaedt at gmail dot com)! Hope you enjoy The Family Quilt! =D

    1. Congratulations, Cynthia! And Happy Reading! Mona
