
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Autumn Camping

Are you enjoying this Autumn weather? 
Have you tried camping during cooler weather?
On the road . . .

Over the weekend we headed down to the Stone Mountain Park. This weekend was peak weekend for much of the eastern area. Gorgeous reds, yellows, oranges and browns highlighted the rugged mountains of West Vriginia, Virginia, and North Carolina. It was like basking in a vivid rainbow forest of color.

Tent set up
Gramps and grandson checking out their "necessary equipment"

Once we arrived at our destination, we began setting up camp. There were around nine different families from the elderly in their eighties to our grandson who is two. Grandson Jonathan and Gramps pulled out our tent and soon had it erected.

Once the sun set, a fire was built in the pit and we took turns roasting hotdogs. Lots of chatter, and speculations ran high whether the bear spotted earlier would reappear. (They're a roving animal.)

Gramps, grandson, and I "hit the hay" early. We'd made provisions for the cool weather with warm sleeping bags, a proper heater, and bathroom facilities close at hand. Grandson Jonathan was excited and woke up twice during the night to zip down a tent window to stare at the fire and stars. He was hoping (not knowing what he hoped for!) to spot a bear! The only one we saw was in the park office, and it was plenty impressive. :)

After a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns, and crispy pancakes--all cooked over an open flame, most of us headed to the mountains, some to the water fall and others on a longer hike up the mountain. Because of our two-year-old, we elected for the shorter route.
Headed to the falls, walking over some beautiful stone slabs!

The top of the falls

A nice couple took this picture for us. 
What a stone chimney is doing out in the woods near the top of a mountain, is beyond me.
Didn't have time to run down the answer, but enjoyed it just the same. 

Did we have fun? You bet.
Just prepare ahead of time: food, water, warm clothes. 
Take along the proper equipment and know how to use it.
Use your head and don't take chances.
If you do all that, and more, you'll be like us:
wanting to go back again. And again. 

About the author:
Besides being a member and active participant of many writing groups, Carole Brown enjoys mentoring beginning writers. She loves to weave suspense and tough topics into her books, along with a touch of romance and whimsy, and is always on the lookout for outstanding titles and catchy ideas. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and did she mention their grandsons? 


  1. I'm not a fan of camping. I had my fair share as a child,

    Lovely pictures though.

  2. Some like it, some don't. That's okay. We all have our likes and dislikes. I love eating greenbeans, but it's one of the most hated tasks in the world: picking greenbeans from a garden. I HATED doing that growing up! Lol

    Thanks for commenting, Mary.

  3. Thanks for sharing. We love to camp. Several years ago we took a camping trip at Moosehead Lake in Maine. It was early November and it was COLD! But we loved it. Our German Shepherd Sasha kept us warm at night.

  4. I have friends who had a cabin that looked out at Stone Mountain. Beautiful area.

  5. We love camping any time of the year! I guess it's possible for us here in southern CA since our winter weather is moderate. The key is to have warm clothes and sleeping bags if the temps are going to drop at night.

  6. Camping is such fun! Thank you for sharing your trip with us, Carole! I love the pictures!!

  7. I haven't camped since I was a child... not sure how I would like roughing it these days! But my parents recently bought a camper and truck to enjoy in their retirement, so might get a chance to try it again soon. Don't think I would be up for tenting it...

  8. Thank you for sharing, Carole! Nothing like the beauty of the fall colors, the crisp fall weather and camping! Great pictures!
