
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Interview with Carrie Fancett Pagels

Thanks for having me on your blog, Jodie!

What is your favorite book or work that you’ve written?  Why?
Yes, I have an as-yet-unpublished manuscript that is my favorite. It is currently titled “The Overseer’s Daughter” and I simply loved the heroine, the hero, and their story as well as the setting. The story made the rounds to most of the CBA publishing houses, except a few. Still praying it will be published traditionally.
I’m also very fond of my Return to Shirley Plantation: A Civil War Romance novella because of the theme of obedience plus a cast which includes multi-racial characters—something you don’t see too much of in inspirational fiction.

Why do you write?
I only write because God calls me to do so. Logically, I see no good reason for people to write Christian fiction—it has to be a calling. It’s very hard work with little return. God has encouraged me through people he’s put around me to lift me up on my journey. And when I’ve been ready to give up—He’s granted me awards or lovely reviews, etc., to urge me to keep writing.

What’s the hardest thing about publishing?
The hardest thing is cutting a story while still maintaining the integrity of what you’ve written. Writing the story “Snowed In” for Guidepost Books A Cup of Christmas Cheer was one of the easiest and most enjoyable things I’ve done (on the first draft). It was awesome “spending time” during 1945 at my great-grandparents’ log cabin (which is where it was set.) But when I had to trim 20% of the story down (which was within the guidelines of what was contracted for, so I’m not complaining, I’m simply stating the facts) that process was so difficult that I had to enlist two freelance editor friends to help me do so. Lesson learned. I’d stay at the lower end of guidelines for future submissions.

You have a new novella out. Is one of the characters your favorite?
Absolutely!  Josephine Christy wouldn’t leave me alone until I’d finished writing The Fruitcake Challenge! The story is inspired by my mother, who died four years ago. There’s a lot of Ruby in Jo Christy. She loved my husband, Jeff, and found him funny but rarely did she get to observe Jeffrey in
his “I’m almost always right” mode—which is what my character Tom Jeffries stays in until his character arc changes. Mom started life out in Kentucky and was then dragged off to the northwoods to lumber camps, by my grandfather but she found her way out of the camps by getting jobs in the last community where they’d lived. So I’d say Jo is my favorite character for her determination and spunk and because she reminds me of my mother!

What is one take-away from your book that you hope readers identify with?
Don’t ever give up hope! God has a plan for you. It may not look like anything you wanted to do. In fact, it might look like the exact opposite of what you were aiming for. Trust God and He’ll bless you with a future better than you could have imagined for yourself!

Thanks for having me on your blog, Jodie! 

Short Bio: Carrie Fancett Pagels, Ph.D.
Carrie Fancett Pagels, Ph.D. ( “Hearts Overcoming Through Time,” isThe Fruitcake Challenge, releases September, 2014. Her short story, “Snowed In,” appears in Guidepost Books’ A Christmas Cup of Cheer (2013). She’s the Amazon best-selling and top-rated author of Return to Shirley Plantation: A Civil War Romance (2013). Her Historical Genre winning short story, “The Quilting Contest,” will appear in Family Fiction’s The Story 2014 anthology. Carrie is a finalist in the 2014 Maggie Awards for Excellence for her unpublished novel, Grand Exposé.
an award-winning Christian historical romance author. Carrie’s novella,

Novella Title: The Fruitcake Challenge
The Fruitcake Challenge blurb

When new lumberjack, Tom Jeffries, tells the camp cook, Jo Christy, that he’ll marry her if she can make a fruitcake, “as good as better than the one my mother makes,” she rises to the occasion. After all, he’s the handsomest, smartest, and strongest axman her camp-boss father has ever had in his camp—and the cockiest. And she intends to bring this lumberjack down a notch or three by refusing his proposal. The fruitcake wars are on! All the shanty boys and Jo’s cooking helpers chip in with their recipes but Jo finds she’ll have to enlist more help—and begins corresponding with Tom’s mother.

Step back in time to 1890, in beautiful Northern Michigan, near the sapphire straits of Mackinac, when the white pines were “white gold” and lumber camps were a way of life. Jo is ready to find another life outside of the camps and plans that don’t include any shanty boys. But will a lumberjack keep her in the very place she’s sworn to leave?

Giveaway: I will give away an ebook copy of “The Fruitcake Challenge” novella and an autographed paperback copy of my novella Return to Shirley Plantation: A Civil War Romance.

Contact info
Carrie Fancett Pagels

Links to purchase
A Cup of Christmas Cheer, Guidepost Books

Return to Shirley Plantation: A Civil War Romance 

God’s Provision in Tough Times


  1. Always good to read more about your writing Carrie!

    1. Hi Caroline, Sorry I'm late. I didn't realize the post had gone up. Please join me in praying for Jodie's MIL who is very ill.

  2. So good to learn more about you, Carrie. And I love that you based Jo Christy on your mom. What a tribute!

    1. Thanks Patricia! Yes, her spunky nature and her determination come from my mom. I had so much fun playing around with this gang at the lumber camps!

  3. Great interview! Carrie is a dandy!!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  4. What a fun storyline. My mother makes great fruit cakes.


  5. Mary, did you share your recipe on the FB party page for the book launch? I'm trying to collect all those reader recipes for Pinterest! Blessings!

  6. Great interview!
    ~~I'm not entering the contest as I have the novella, but wanted to say hi to Carrie~~

    I have read The Fruitcake Challenge and it is wonderful! What a tribute to your mother Carrie.

    I haven't read Return to Shirley Plantation yet, but it's on my to buy/read list.

    Blessings, Tina

    1. TY, Tina! So glad to have you on the Christmas Traditions promo group! Great getting to know you better, especially since we've been praying for each other for a long time. Hugs!

    2. Thanks again for inviting me to the group. I have enjoyed everyone there so much. I am blessed knowing you dear Carrie and appreciate the prayers as I know you do.
      blessings, Tina

  7. Hi Carrie, I enjoyed the interview. I already know a lot about you but I still enjoyed the interview. I love how you say, God has a plan for you. Sometimes we don't want to wait on the Lord and so we make some bad choices. Thank God for his Mercy and Forgiveness!

    I would love to read, The Fruitcake Challenge. I think if I read a few pages at a time I might be o.k. migraine wise. It is worth a try. I'd love to have an autographed copy of, Return to Shirley Plantation. I've heard so much about it.

    Judy B

    P.S. I've never made a fruitcake before, this year I just might!

    1. TY Judy! Yes, you probably already know too much about me, lol! I'm going to make fruitcakes this year, different kinds. It'll be fun! Yes, I hope you get to read Return to Shirley Plantation! A book near and dear to my heart!

  8. Thanks so much for sharing, Carrie.I loved 'Return to Shirley Plantation' and can only imagine how much I will enjoy 'The Fruitcake Challenge'!
    It just might encourage me to try making
    God bless, Betti

    1. TY, Betti! I hope you will enjoy The Fruitcake Challenge. If you make a fruitcake, send me a recipe and a picture! Hugs!

  9. I enjoyed the interview, Carrie, and what a wonderful tribute to your mom! I'm enjoying The Fruitcake Challenge and what a spunky gal Jo is indeed!

    1. Thanks so much, Diana! Jo is one of my favorite characters that I've written yet and I really wanted to spend time with her this summer. Glad I wrote her story!

  10. Hi, Carrie!! Just wanted to say hi!!

    Enjoyed your interview and loved "The Fruitcake Challenge"!! I received my paperback copy of "Return to Shirley Plantation" in the mail today, along with "A Christmas Cup of Cheer"!! So glad you could honor your family through your books!! Hugs!!

    1. TY, Bonnie! I'm so glad you got that package! I love spending time with my family, even though they are in heaven! Hugs!

  11. Hi Carrie. Love to read your interview. Always good. I used to make a fruitcake which I got the recipe from. One of very few I like. Just never liked them till my mother made a ice box fruitcake. I actually kept going to the fridge and getting me another piece..Only thing is the one I made costs so much haven't made one in years. As far as I can remember, those are the only two I ever tasted that I enjoyed. I have both of these books. Hope the sleep test goes well. I would never go to sleep with that contraption on. I have a hard time going to sleep any way. I'm anxious for your next book to come out. Maxie

    1. Maxie, you are such a sweetheart! I want to see you make that fruitcake this year! I wonder if my son will be able to sleep with that headgear on! LOL about the next book coming out. I'm just trying to enjoy this one for right now! Thanks!

  12. Hi Carrie! I really enjoyed your interview and can really relate to your reason for writing and the perseverance that's involved. Thanks for sharing. You are an encouragement to me. I am so enjoying The Fruitcake Challenge! Keep writing! Blessings!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Lisa! You made me cry today!!! I read your review and endorsement of my novella! God bless you! Hugs!!!

  13. I would love to win the book! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity.

    1. I would love for you to read my books, Janice! Thanks for coming by!
