
Friday, September 26, 2014

Do You Still Play Dress-Up?

Hey y'all! Crystal here and I'm having a blast at the 2014 ACFW Conference. Nothing's funner--or should I say wackier :) --than sharing a hotel with hundreds of other writers. Last night we had our genre dinner. Yes, I am not ashamed to admit we're not too old to play dress-up. :) I'm sure those visiting the hotel won't forget us anytime soon. :) Here's a few pics I thought you might enjoy.

So, when was the last time you played dress up?

Want to see more pictures of our fun here at the American Christian Writer's Conference? Check out my blog at


  1. What fun!!! I love that Regina Jennings is wearing the dress from the cover of her book! Hope you all are having a blast! :)

    1. I loved that too. It was such a great idea. :) Thanks for dropping by, Heidi.

  2. Crystal it looks like ya'll are having a ball! I can't imagine a hotel full of writers. I would be star struck!

    I was in a Red Hat group some years ago and we dressed in our red and purple every month with our flashy hats to boot!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. It's a lot of fun, and I've heard even some of the well-seasoned authors still get star struck at times. :)

      I would've loved to see the red and purple. I had a gymnastics competition leo that was those colors. :)

  3. Oh how fun! I love to play dress up. :)
    The last time I did was for a civil war themed party I hosted at our house. It was tons of fun!

    1. Ooo, that does sound fun. I'm sure some great pics came out of that one. Love seeing the Civil War era outfits. :)

  4. How fun to play dress up! Everyone looks great! Thank you for sharing; I can't wait to see more.

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks, Britney. I've got a few more pics over on my blog and I might even be sharing more pics later on my Facebook author page sometime soon as well. :) Feel free to check them out.

      Thanks for dropping by today.
