
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Camo or Duck Dynasty Themed Party - Food

My little brother is a hunting fanatic. Seriously, a fanatic. He spends all year thinking about those few months in the fall when it's open season. When he was nearing 18 and still didn't have his driver's license, my dad told him no hunting until he had it. Guess what? He got his license quick.

My family homeschools, and this summer John was graduating from high school. Since he's the only one in his class, he gets to pick what he wants his 'school colors' to be. His answer was "camouflage." I should have known, but did he really have to make it complicated? I was thinking of one, maybe two colors like blue and white, or green and gold, something more simple, but no. It was camo. It took some more creativity, but it turned out to be really fun. 

Today I thought I'd share a few camo party ideas with you today in case you also have a friend or loved one who is a hunting or Duck Dynasty fan. 


I tried to come up with some food ideas that were the camo colors of green, brown and orange. Here's what I came up with. 

Camo trail mix. A mix of pretzels, colored goldfish, green M&M's, Reeses's pieces and nuts.

Nachos with green guacamole and corn chips.

(left) Carrots with artichoke dip

(Right) Camo Cola Punch – This is coke mixed with a little bit of Tang, and sliced Oranges and Limes for garnish. An experiment recipe for me, but it went over well.

Last but not least, the CAKE! I found a neat video on youtube that showed how to make a cake that is camouflage on the INSIDE as well. You split the white cake mix into three bowls, and also have a bowl of chocolate cake mix. You dye one of the white mixes a light green, the other a dark green. Then you spoon globs of the different colors in varying pattern into the cake pan and bake as usual. For the decoration, I used brown, orange and green icing, a camo sugar sheet you can find at walmart, camo colored pearls also found at walmart, and a toy deer for the topper.

Sometime I'll share some of the decorating crafts/ideas that I used. 

How about you? Any ideas for camo themed food?

What is the funnest theme you've ever done for a party?

Best selling author Amber Schamel writes riveting stories that bring HIStory to life. She has a passion for history, books and her Savior. This combination results in what her readers call "historical fiction at its finest". A homeschool graduate from a family of 12 children, Amber found her calling early in life. First published at age 21, she has continued to hone her craft. You can connect with Amber on her website or any of the major social media sites. Pintrest -
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  1. This is such a good theme! I love your camo cake. :) We just had a Disney's Frozen themed birthday party for my five year old granddaughter and it was such fun. Since the temperature outside was about 97 degrees in Central FL, the snowflake/ice decorations were extra fun. Thanks for sharing, and good job on the party food. It all looks yummy!

    1. That's really neat, Michele! I have a friend who has VERY blonde hair. She was Elsa for a little girl's birthday party the other day.

  2. Amber,

    I've never hosted a party of any kind. So far I've managed to find someone else more talented to do that. But these ideas should work well for a hunting party. I'm sure your brother appreciated the work you went to for this party.

    1. Ha! You're the smart one, Elaine. It's a lot of work, but I actually enjoy planning and organizing big parties like this. I have done all our graduations, anniversaries etc.

  3. Nice, and since I also live in a family of hunters/lovers of camo/DD, these are great ideas. Thanks much for sharing.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post, Caroline! In November I'll be sharing some of the decoration ideas too.

  4. That sounds like my kind of party. :) I think your brother made the right choice for his school colors. I know someone who had a camo-themed wedding in a mud pit. Think your brother will take his love for camo that far? :)

    1. Hahah, I don't know...He might. It depends on the gal probably. I don't know if she'll let him get away with it. Of course, considering his obsession, he might marry a hunter too. We'll see!

  5. I did a Barbie themed cake for my daughter before they had specialty cake pans and doll picks. I wrapped the bottom half of her Barbie doll in Saran wrap, stuck in in the top of an upended cake baked in a rounded casserole (to resemble a hooped skirt) and iced the doll's chest and cake to resemble a dress. She loved the cake.

    1. That sounds great, Catherine! My mom did one like that for my sister many years ago, but she baked it in a bowl to make the skirt. Great idea!

  6. Fun ideas! The cake is amazing.

    1. Thanks Kay, glad you enjoyed the post. :)

      Amber Schamel

  7. This hunting birthday party is fantastic. I am in love with these arrangements especially the food. Want to use this theme for my nephew’s birthday party that will be arranged at one of event space NYC. Thanks for sharing these ideas here.

    1. My pleasure! I hope the party works out well for you.
