
Friday, August 1, 2014

No Greater Love

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.
John 15:13

I’m an avid Marylu Tyndall fan. I love her seafaring books, her flawed but lovable female heroines, handsome leading men and how she always manages to weave Biblical truths in her tales while taking readers on such exciting adventures.
So when The Ransom came out, I bought the book and devoured it in a matter of days. But as the rich layers of the novel begin to settle in my consciousness one story line stuck with me - one that could  easily be missed as the readers yearn for the next moment the hero tugs the heroine into his arms and passionately kisses her.
It’s a simple message of friendship. What would you do for your friend?
See our female lead, Juliana, has a friend she loves so much, she will risk her own life to see to her well-being. A friend who, through horrid circumstances, has been forced into a life of prostitution in one of the most dangerous parts of Jamaica.
In order to help her friend, Juliana will risk robbery, rape and murder to bring her food and to make sure she receives much needed medical care. Now Juliana is no dummy. She is successfully running her family’s business as her father lays dying and her brother is lost in the world of gambling. She knows what dangers await her during her quest to help her friend.  But to her, her friend’s well-being is more important than her own virtue and life.
So my question is, what would you do for a friend? I’m interested in hearing how a friend has sacrificed for you or you have sacrificed for a friend. Please leave a comment detailing your experiences.
To learn more about Marylu Tyndall check out her website.

Josette Downey  is the christian romance author of A Time to Say Goodbye and Bonds of Tradition. She has master’s degree in English From East Carolina University, and currently works for a premier test scoring company. She is the mother of a precocious six-year-old girl, who enjoys bugs, snakes and superman.  She enjoys southern cooking, reading and exploring emerging technology, but is best defined by her devotion to her faith and the empowerment of women in the modern world.

To learn more follow her at


  1. Hi Josette! Thanks for posting about my book! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. This may not seem like a huge deal but I have a friend who went with me when I had to put my cat down. She was there during the procedure and then she came back to my house and helped me dig a grave. Afterward we put a headstone and flowers and prayed. During all this I was a crying mess, but she stayed with me through it all. That's a real friend!

  2. Hi, Josie!!

    I had a mastectomy this past May for which I am taking therapy, three weeks later I discovered a lump on my neck on the opposite side of my neck (from the mastectomy) for which I am currently undergoing testing. The prayers of many online friends, as well as other friends and family, have played an enormous part in my getting through my health issues as well as I did/am. One of my very best friends has gone with me to almost every doctor appointment, testing, and surgery (and there have been many) - she herself has numerous serious health issues, never feels well, uses a cane - and at times, a wheelchair. She quit driving a number of months ago because of having 3 seizures (the cause of them isn't known) - so on occasion, I pick her up to attend the appointments with me, but for most of them her son's fiance' has driven her to meet me at the appointments which means she also waited until the end of my appointments in order to drive my friend back home. Another friend also has several serious health issues, isn't physically able to work and has serious financial issues - yet has, I feel, literally sacrificed to bring me a home-cooked meal and fresh vegetables from her garden.

    Other friends and family members have done much for me also, but these two friends are the ones who have sacrificed the most. God has blessed me with a wonderful family and so many loving, caring friends - for which I am so thankful!!

    I love MaryLu, her inspirational books, and her passion for God!! Thanks for your post on "The Ransom"!!

    Post shared!!

    1. Bonnie, my prayers are with you during this time. You are indeed blessed to have such a caring friend.

  3. This does sound like a great book, Josie. Thanks for telling us about it. Friends are indeed priceless.
