
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Inspiration to Keep on Keeping On - Guest Blogger, Karen Witemeyer

Writing is work. Sure, we authors like to pretend it's just a bunch of daydreaming and story crafting, but in truth, some days I feel like I have more in common with a dentist pulling teeth than an artist floating high on the creativity clouds. Stories can bog down. Characters can become uncooperative. Real life can steal time and energy away when deadlines loom.

So how do we keep on keeping on? A lot of prayer, a good work ethic, support from family and friends, and snacks (for me hot tea sweetened with honey and a handful of almonds - or a pile of peanut M&Ms if I'm in a chocolate crisis). But sometimes, the little things can make a big difference, too. I've done my best to surround my work space with items that encourage and inspire me to press on.

I have several Bible verses tacked up around me. They include:

He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
 ~ Philippians 1:6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all you ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. ~ Acts 20:24

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. ~ Psalm 115:1

And then there is the one I cross-stitched and framed to hang on the wall by my desk. (Pictured at right) These are wonderful visible reminders of the attitude I should project and the excellence I should strive to maintain.

Then there is my desk. I keep little things around me here, too.
On the left is a copy of my latest book, a Bible, a lovely historical scene, and my writing mascot Henry the Hippopotamus to cheer me on from his cozy home in the mug that proudly states, "If I write it, they will read . . . "
On the right is a picture of my children in the Texas bluebonnets. Then I have my western decor in a pen holder and pencil sharpener (yes, the covered wagon). I also have a small collection of Willow Tree figurines, and of course I need to keep the one with the girl reading a book close at hand.

Finally, I have a lovely box that a co-worker gave to me on the occasion of my first book's release. She is a champion scrapbooker (truly - she has the fair ribbons to prove it!) and she created a gorgeous memory box with not only my book and promo items, but a lace handkerchief that belonged to her grandmother and several sewing notions that fit with my seamstress heroine perfectly. I treasure this and have it on the wall near the door so I can see it every morning when I come in.

What are some of the things you keep close at hand to inspire you to keep on keeping on?
Do you have a favorite snack that helps you keep going?

Leave a comment for your chance to win a copy of Karen's new book, Full Steam Ahead.

Christy Award finalist and winner of both the ACFW Carol Award and HOLT Medallion, CBA bestselling author, Karen Witemeyer, writes Christian historical romance for Bethany House, believing the world needs more happily-ever-afters. She is an avid cross-stitcher, and makes her home in Abilene, TX with her husband and three children. Learn more about Karen and her books at:   


  1. There are so many candies that I enjoy eating as a special treat. Sadly, I can no longer eat them. I am stuck with gum :)

    1. Bummer, Martha. I have a deeply ingrained sweet tooth. I would have a hard time giving up my dark chocolate. At least gum has staying power. :-)

  2. Normally close by I have my bible! And I love gum!!! it's such a comfort for some reason....

    1. Hi, Sierra. Nothing beats having the Bible close at hand. And another gun chewer. Great. I got out of the habit of chewing gum when I had braces as a kid and never got back into it. If I try to chew it now, it gives me a headache. So I'll leave you and Martha the gum for now. :-)

  3. What a fun post! Thanks, Karen, for giving us a peak into your special office where all the brilliant stories are composed! :)

    Like you, I have a few sayings/scriptures hanging around.

    "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart."

    "Home is where your story begins." (this reminds me to keep my priorities in line)

    "Life is a story, make yours worth reading."

    As for my favorite writing snack, it'd have to be chocolate covered espresso beans. YUM! But I don't eat those too often, for alas, they are not as healthy as your almonds.

    Amber Schamel
    Bringing HIStory to Life

    1. I love that verse from Psalm 37. Such an encouragement! Thanks, Amber. And talk about a punch of caffeine. Those chocolate covered espresso beans sound potent! Whew!

  4. My Bible and family encourage me to keep going. Both are always there for me when I need them. And Karen I want to encourage you to keep going, I love your books! You are one of my top favorite authors. I always look forward to your next book! Thank you for writing such great fiction!
    lindseypa89(at)yahoo(dot) com

    1. Thanks, Lindsey! Hearing from readers like you is a WONDERFUL encouragement.

  5. I love the memory box! How fun and very thoughtful.

    I'm a salty snack kind of person. Chips, popcorn, crackers and cheese...I love it all. And what do I keep close by? My computer. :) I have small children, so it's hard to catch more than a minute here and there.

    I love all your books, and Full Steam Ahead is one of two of your books I haven't read yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :)

    Here's to YOU keeping up the writing so I can keep enjoying!

    1. Thanks, Deborah. I remember well those days of preschoolers. Seems like only yesterday. Now my oldest is driving. Where did all that time go?

  6. Not entering the giveaway because I already have it, read it, loved it (of course!)...but love seeing this. I am trying to create an inspirational space where I can write as well. My problem is that I am lacking discipline. Still working on that one.

    PS--my thoughts on Full Steam Ahead...

    1. Thanks for the great review, Crystal! Such a blessing. I hope your space comes along the way you want it. And, yes, I have my days where discipline in a huge issue. You're not alone on that one.

  7. I have read so many of your books and loved every one of them. This one I haven't read but so want to read. Love to win.

    1. Hi, Mary Ellen. Thanks for being such a loyal reader. :-)

  8. On particularly rough mornings at work, I go for the timeless combination of caffeine and sugar. My particular vices are Diet Mtn Dew and PopTarts or Peanut M&Ms - not very nutritious!
    I also want you to know that I love your writing! I have really enjoyed all of your books, but To Win Her Heart is one of my favorites of all time!!

    1. Thanks, Julie. I hate to pick favorite's, but Levi holds a special place in my heart. He won my heart as well as Eden's as I wrote that book. :-)

  9. Karen,
    Thanks for the encouragement ~ you are right, some days are harder than others. What keeps me going is my daily word count. I've learned to outline a scene in the afternoon in preparation for the next day. That way, I can jump right in as soon as my day starts. No thinking. No wasting time. No excuses. I also make sure that scene is content edited before I move on, for me that saves time since I don't need to get my head back around that particular scene a few days or weeks later......Love chocolate, but it disappears much too quickly!

    1. Great strategy, Heidi. You're much more organized than I am. But I concur about those deadlines being strong motivators. They keep my at the computer even all I want to do is anything else. :-)

  10. I eat carbohydrates for snacks, but something to drink -- coffee (even decaf), diet soda, or water -- keep me going. However, I love to write, and I mostly write by the seat of my pants. Although I have a very general framework in my mind, I write to find out the details of what happens, and that usually happens quickly, just like my reading a good book. Perhaps this is because I'm reasonaby new to novel writing, but I've never had writers block or problems writing. My problem is more in the area of finding the time to write. Thank you for offereing me an opportunity to win your book. I'm an avid reader, and this one sounds great.

    1. I'm a carb-lover, too, Janice. Mmm . . . cookies, crackers, bread, pizza, you name it - I love it. Ha!

  11. Most of the time I don't stop for snacks, only meals, but I do keep a glass of water handy. I've thought about making samplers to hang in my office but haven't gotten that far. :) Maybe I do better buying or printing some up. :)
    Thanks for sharing the suggestions and verses, Karen.

    1. You've got better self control than I do, Crystal. I try to only snack in the afternoon and make myself wait until 3:00 even then. Sometimes I get so busy, I don't stop, but most of the time I use that snack break as a reward for working hard up to that point. Even if I haven't really worked all that hard yet. :-)

  12. For snack foods while I write, I typically eat whatever is on hand. One time I ate a whole, large cucumber. If either I or one of my sisters make a smoothie, I'll eat (or rather, drink) that while I write.

  13. I love that cross-stitch verse, Karen. Makes me want to get out my needles. I read Full Steam Ahead and enjoyed it, but I enjoy everything you write. Those characters stay with me.

  14. I like Acts 15:31 "The people read it and we're glad for its encouraging message.". Reminds me that's my focus in writing. I love the idea of a stand to keep the latest book close by! And, my must-have is cinnamon tea! I am a huge fan of your work and recently finished "Full-Steam Ahead" which was just excellent! Your writing is wonderful, and my goal is to bring that quality to my own work. I saw where you're to speak at the ACRW Conference in a few weeks, and wish I could be there! Best wishes!

  15. My favorite verse is Lamentations 3:25 where it talks about waiting on the Lord. This is something that I struggle with. Love your books and have enjoyed all of them.

  16. I too like to keep my Bible handy. Two scripture that I really love and have hanging on the wall in my room are Romans 8:35-39 and Lamentations 3: 22-23; they are always an encouragement to me.
    There aren't really any snacks that I keep on hand... I do chew gum some, but not as much as I used to.

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  17. We are loving your books here! Thank you for sharing this very special gift with all of us. We keep chips and verses through out our house ;)
