
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Help! So Many Choices

Howdy y'all! Crystal here, and I need your help. No kidding. More than one person I know has found out their expecting a wiggling, worming, squirming addition to their family in the near future. Which means it's baby blanket time! Can you help me pick a design? And before you ask, I have no clue what anyone is having yet. :)

I made a camo blanket one year, a lady bug blanket another. I even made a star blanket for a little cousin of mine. Ain't he a cutie pie? :)

I typically use free patterns provided by Lion Brand Yarn. Sometimes I'll tweak them. Sometimes I'll use them as is. That said, will you help me pick a pattern for this go around?

These are three patterns that caught my fancy. Which would you pick?

Option 1: Patchwork throw
Option 2: Squares and Ripple Throw

Option 3 : Granny Baby Blanket

Remember, commenters who include a contact email will also be entered in this week's drawing.


  1. I am going for the Granny Baby Blanket.....just beautiful!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  2. I like the Granny Baby Blanket also. But if you don't know if it will be a boy or girl, I think the Squares and Ripple Throw might be more unisex. They're all so cute, though.
    garfsgirl [at] hotmail [dot] com

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Lis. I think they're all cute too, which is what makes it so hard to decide. :)

  3. I agree with the previous posts, I like the Granny Blanket. However, I think I like the Patchwork the best. You can't go wrong with either. They are both ideal for any baby.

    1. Appreciate the help, Dora. Thanks for dropping by. :)

  4. They're all pretty, but I'm thinking Option 2, Squares and Ripple, only because you could do a lot of fun things with baby novelty fabric that the little one would enjoy looking at when they're all wrapped up in your gift of love. I know whatever you make will be pretty!

  5. Thanks for the help, Cindy. I really appreciate it. :-) I love picking the colors.

  6. Since I don't knit or crochet I would choose the easiest one to do but for myself I would choose Option #3.
    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
    Janet E.

    1. Hi, Janet! Thanks for dropping by and for the feedback. Believe it or not, but these are all rather easy patterns. :)
