
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Book Review of Dead Dreams by Emma Right AND Giveaway!

An E-copy of the book to one commenter who leaves their email addy. 

Book Blurb:

Eighteen-year-old Brie O’Mara has so much going for her: a loving family in the sidelines, an heiress for a roommate, and dreams that might just come true. Big dreams--of going to acting school, finishing college and making a name for herself. She is about to be the envy of everyone she knew. What more could she hope for? Except her dreams are about to lead her down the road to nightmares. Nightmares that could turn into a deadly reality.

Dead Dreams, Book 1, a young contemporary adult psychological thriller and mystery that will keep you asking for more.


Dead Dreams: a novel of a young girl and her choices in life. Right did a great job in characterizing an eighteen-year-old girl. Innocent and a little touchy with her concerned mother, she yearns so much for her real life dreams to come true. Instead her nightmare dreams are ready to thrust her into real-life terror.

Yes, the young do do foolish things at times. Yes, they are gullible at times. And yes, they are innocent of the dangers "out there." But they are young; what they lack in wisdom, they make up for with their determination to see their dreams come true. Right nailed the characterization.

The thrill and suspense was well developed. As the tension increases one finds him/herself turning the pages faster to see what's next.

This novel is a great one for the young adult (and any who enjoy this age!). Besides the entertainment level, the valuable lessons presented will encourage the younger set to be careful of their choices in life. Is independence at eighteen really that important? Are certain friends absolutely necessary regardless of their wealth and "knowledge?"

I heartily recommend this book!

Now, from Emma . . .

Why I wrote Dead Dreams.

I wanted to write a story for young ladies –girls between 13 and 18, --on the cusps of adulthood, but who are not quite out of the house yet.Dead Dreams, Book 1 is a suspense thriller but it is so much more. Without being preachy Dead Dreams hopes to impress upon the young readers the deceit out there in the world.

Having homeschooled my children and being around other girls coming from a more sheltered lifestyle I noticed that in their innocence and youth they tended to jump onto things that look attractive without weighing hidden consequences. I wanted to explore possibilities that could be present in each young person as she travels in this journey of self-discovery and finding out for herself, when enough is enough; that limit that separates what's acceptable from too dangerous; and the possibilities these choices could lead to. Also, as a Christian author, I wanted readers who have a Christian background to come to the conclusion on their own, that dreams absent of God and His direction could be deadly.

I have always enjoyed a good thriller mystery so I wanted to write a young adult book that has a strong message yet is still filled with intrigue, mystery, and suspense. Hence, Dead Dreams. It is a part of a series, and the first book leaves questions that will be answered in book 2.

Dead Dreams, Book1, Amazon:

Book Trailer:

Award Winning and Best Seller author, Emma Right, is a happy wife and Christian homeschool mother of five living in the Pacific West Coast of the USA. Besides running a busy home, and looking after their five pets, which includes two cats, two bunnies and a Long-haired Dachshund, she also writes stories for her children. When she doesn't have her nose in a book, she is telling her kids to get theirs in one.

Emma worked as a copywriter for two major advertising agencies and won several awards, including the prestigious Clio Award for her ads, before she settled down to have children. Emma Right is currently featured in Authors’ Network latest book, 50 Great Authors You Should be Reading. She can be contacted through her website at


Don't forget to leave a comment and email address for a chance to win an e-copy of Emma Right's young adult thriller.



  1. This sounds like a book I'd like to read and I'm way past YA. :-) Great interview and review.

  2. Dead Dreams sounds like a great story for any age! Thank you for sharing your wonderful review!

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

  3. Thanks, Patricia and Britney. I'll be contacting at least one of you as the winner!

  4. Dead dreams book was great. Waiting patiently for book 2.

  5. 26764 Bonney road, watertown, ny 13601
