
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Interview and #Giveaway with Angie Brashear

Howdy y'all! Crystal here, with another great Texan to introduce to you. Angie Brashear is a new friend with a new story to share. She's also generously offered to giveaway a copy to one of today's commenters. :) So let's get this party started...

Tell us a bit about yourself, Angie.

My “normal” activities surround raising three amazing kids, as well as a career in public education with a focus on students with disabilities. I love to read and I love to run, especially now that my kids are old enough to do both with me. And now I love to write books into the wee hours of the night, after my kids fall asleep. LOL!

Ooo, girl, I'm tired just hearing all that. :) Congratulations on your newest release though! What is your story about?

Thanks! Of the Persecuted is a fantasy with a strong thread of romance geared toward young adult females. The story surrounds an insecure girl who believes she is no more than a burden to the people she loves. But in the midst of physical and spiritual war, and through the loss of loved ones, as well as the turmoil of unrequited love, she discovers her true worth lies in her faith.

Here's the Back Cover Blurb:

Laila Pennedy awaits death by hanging. For the Rendow Clan rules the Woodlands Region, aiming to slaughter the Faithful. And she deserves to die. But Lars Landre, the man destined to lead the Faithful out of persecution, has other plans hidden behind his rare and mysterious blue eyes. Rescue.

Following the daring escape, Laila seeks the path of a warrior and vows revenge against the Rendow Clan. She embarks on a dangerous journey with Lars, one in which they endeavor to reach the promised safety of a magical village, to train for battle, and to ultimately assure freedom for those with faith in the Maker.

Clashes of weapons and souls. Brutal loss of lives. Unrequited love. How in all the Woodlands will Laila survive?

Where did you get the inspiration for your story?

When I was in the fifth grade, my teacher read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis aloud to my class. In doing so, she opened my eyes to adventure and possibilities, all the while helping me escape a world of darkness for a short time. At its conclusion, I wondered, Is God real? He couldn’t be, right? For if He existed, innocent young girls wouldn’t suffer the wrath of drunken addicts, or the torment of abandonment. I continued to speculate. Each time God placed believers in my path—a high school teacher, a college friend, and a college coach—my fascination with the possibility grew stronger until the truth stunned me like a slap to the face. God indeed lives in the form of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He rescues. He saves. And He waited for me. Then He embraced me. It all started with a little seed, planted in the empty heart of the girl I once was. A love for reading expanded to a love for writing. A desire to know God became a desire to serve Him, to reach nonbelievers. So I write, in hopes of reaching at least one lost girl.

Do you have a favorite scene in the book? If so, can you tell us a bit about it?

Wow—tough question. Hmmm. My editor recently commented on a scene, and her comment resonated with me at a level that now affects me on a daily basis. As such, the scene has emerged as one of my favorites. So, here’s a snippet from the scene followed by her comment. 

A virtuous image swayed in front of him, spreading colossal wings. The being’s garment flowed, yet it appeared as solid as white gemstone. Its wings waved, yet remained motionless. Masculine and powerful, yet gentle. Humanlike, yet celestial. 

“A beautiful testimony, Angie. Truly a fantastic culmination of your book’s message, enough to make Clive Staples Lewis smile.”

What do you plan to work on next?

In the midst of activities surrounding the release of Of the Persecuted, I’m also working on the sequel, Legends of the Woodlands: Book Two, which is currently untitled. While Book One focuses on persecution, Book Two will focus on forgiveness. I’m only about one-third of the way finished, so I have a lot of work ahead of me.

Where can readers connect with you? Where can readers buy your book?

Readers can connect with me on my website (, on Facebook (, and on Twitter ( Thus far, I’ve received the most support on Facebook, so it’s easier for readers to connect with me there. Readers can buy my book on Amazon.

Last but not least, apart from writing, what is your favorite creative outlet?

I’m a long distance runner, though I’m not sure if my lifelong passion is actually considered a creative outlet. Running relaxes me, clears my mind. As such, it’s a great time for me to seek counsel from God. My cross country teammates and I lived by Philippians 4:13 in college. We usually began and ended each day with intense and exhausting distance training. Because we aimed to glorify God with our efforts and attitudes, we focused on allowing Him to work through us. I pray my endeavors as a writer do nothing less. In Him, we can do all things to His glory. So, I suppose running is a creative outlet. [big smile]

I suppose it is. :) Thanks so much for sharing with us today, Angie. I hope God can use Of the Persecuted for great things. 

Okay, everyone, here's your chance! Angie's generously agreed to give away one copy of her book to one commenter today (a print copy for those within the US or a digital copy for those outside it). Leave a comment (with your email address included) and you'll be entered for a chance to win. Remember those who comment on this post, or any post this week, will also be entered into the weekly giveaway drawing! Check out all our fantastic giveaways on our Prizes Galore page! 


  1. Great interview! I can see why that scene would be special to you. Very good! This looks like a crossover book, too. One that adults would enjoy. pat at ptbradley dot com

    1. Thanks, Pat. So glad you dropped by. It does sound like a crossover book, now that you mention it. :-)

  2. Thanks Patricia! My prayer is that "Of the Persecuted" will be a crossover novel, especially for nonbelievers.

  3. I am eager to read your book. As a Milam county resident, you are a local celeb! I know your wonderful mother-in-law and know we all follow you and wish you the best. My daughter teaches at a juvenile justice center and loves to stock her shelves with great books. Her students are avid readers. This book is destined to be there and my prayer is that it will help a young reader fall in love with God. Blessings!

    1. I hope the book helps the girls in that center, Terry. Thanks so much for dropping by.

    2. Congratulations, Terry!! You're the winner of Of The Persecuted. I hope you enjoy the story. :)

  4. Terry, thank you so much! My whole purpose in writing is to reach young readers. Perhaps we could plan a time for me to visit the juvenile justice center to spend a little time with the kids. Just email me at
