
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Troubled About Many Things?

Are you troubled about many things? You are not alone! Remember when Jesus visited Bethany and ate at the home of Martha, Mary, and their famous brother Lazarus? Well, he told Martha that she was troubled about many things, too. My friend Stephanie Landsem wrote a book I love titled THE TOMB, and I will never again look at Martha in the same way as before.

Stephanie Landsem, Christian author

I first met this lovely lady online then at the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) 2013 Conference in Indianapolis. The first book in her 'Living Waters Series' THE WELL had just debuted from Simon and Schuster's Howard Books--also my publisher. We were both new with Howard, but she had a little more experience under her belt and helped this newbie :)

It's my pleasure to introduce her to her third book in the series that just debuted last month THE TOMB. Book two, THE THIEF is also an excellent read--you're sure to love all three, but if I had to choose, I'd say THE TOMB is my favorite in the series.
      The Tomb, A Novel of Martha, is about Jesus’ relationship with the family of Martha, Mary and Lazarus in Bethany. She says she knew when she birthed The Living Water Series that she wanted the last book to focus on the most amazing miracle Jesus performed before his crucifixion: the raising of Lazarus. The three siblings in this story, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus – are fascinating characters in themselves, especially seeing them through Stephanie's perspective. Definitely an amazing portrayal.
       I join the masses in giving THE TOMB five fantastic stars. Stephanie delivers an entertaining, well written, imaginative tale that brings to life the famous Biblical family we've heard of all our lives, but never really gotten to know. Three siblings: busy, busy Martha troubled about many things, adoring Mary who anointed Jesus' feet with the crazy expensive oil, and Lazarus who came forth from his tomb after being dead four days!
      This gifted author weaves a wonderful story that also includes the demoniac possessed by Legion whom Christ delivered. I love how she does what she does, and imagine you will, too! All three stories in the series are stand-along novels, and all excellent reads!

I love Biblical fiction only when it remains true to the Scripture, and put a book down or quit a movie when the author/producer changes the story as told in God's Word. That part--as far as I'm concerned--is set in stone. It's the writer's imagination that fleshes out the bones given into a story readers can place themselves in and really get to know the characters whose stories we've heard all out lives.
      As a writer of Biblical fiction myself, I must agree with Stephanie that sometimes, it is tempting to tweak the timeline, the setting, or even the people’s actions just a bit to fit 'my' story, but I always resist. The Creator of all gave us great story lines to embellish and the necessary gift of imagination. You could call me more than a little persnickety on that count.

In my Biblical fiction series The Generations,  volume 2 THEN THE DELUGE COMES also debuted in March. It opens in the year 930 since man's creation with Grandfather Adam on his deathbed surrounded by eight generations. Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, and his three sons Japheth, Ham, and Shem are featured. I hope you will enjoy volume 1 A LITTLE LOWER THAN THE ANGELS and the newest of the series after you read THE TOMB! 

Blessings to you and may God's favor go ahead of you as you seek to advance His Kingdom on earth. May the hope and peace that the world cannot understand envelope you and keep you always in His love!!

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