
Monday, April 20, 2015

Spring: A Time of Renewal

Sick of the cold, the snow, winter? Are you discouraged? Disheartened? Frustrated? Ah, winter is over and Spring is here!

Isaiah chapter forty and verse 30 says, “they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.”  It may have been a long winter, but it’s over. We’ve waited and longed for Spring. God gives us gifts, and flowers are one of them. Springtime flowers are especially beautiful for they signal a time of birth. It’s a time of renewal for the land. Take heart and make it a time of renewal for yourself too!

Check out these thoughts and apply them to your life and see if you don’t begin to feel the stir of renewal in your heart. Smile.

  • Apple blossoms: promise.  Who knows what will happen throughout the rest of Spring and summer? Exciting adventures? Interesting events? New friends? Reuniting with old friends? God’s promises are abundant in the scriptures. Cling to them and believe.

  • Crocus: foresight. Have the foresight to look for greater things. Spiritually. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Plan ahead. Prepare. Organize. Whatever it takes to keep yourself on track. 

  • Hyacinth: sincerity. Be sincere with God and others and most of all with yourself. Why deceive? It’s a useless effort and so much more rewarding to sincerely seek God’s will for your life. Dive into your work or your life with a sincere desire to make it the best you can. 
  • Pansy: loving thoughts. Think Good thoughts. Loving thoughts. Don’t let bitterness or angry hold you chained one day or one minute longer. Give yourself permission to forgive the person who hurt you. Move away from the cause of contention and have peace. Pray. Trust. 

  • Poppy: consolation. Give yourself permission to weep or mourn the loss of something dear. It’s healing. Then move on. God knows all about the hurts; he understands, and he is the one who gives us the strength.

  • Iris: inspiration. It comes from everywhere. The scriptures. People and their actions and words. Books. Pictures. Nature. Life. Our own thoughts. Be inspired and let it’s energy renew your spirit.

  • Hydrangea: perseverance. Hold the course. Don’t give up but fight on. Whether it’s volunteering in church or ministry, your career, or problems in life, watch for that light at the end of the tunnel. It’s there. Keep moving forward and you will soon see it.

  • Violet: faithfulness. In whatever you do, be faithful. Be the person who is responsible and reliable. Dull? Boring? Not at all. You can have fun, be adventurous and the life of the party. But the faithful person knows when and where to call the shots. They know when it’s time for rest, relaxation, work, talk or quiet. Be your own person by having the confidence to be faithful. 

  • Star of Bethlehem: hope.  Never give up hope. These beautiful tiny white flowers speak of hope and it’s an emotion that everyone needs. Hope for that contract. Hope for the return of the prodigal. Hope for a healing. Work toward and encourage, build and feed that hope. God will do the rest.

Let your spirit be renewed this Spring. When you plant a bulb or buy a plant, when you bend to smell the scent or gaze on the glorious beauty of a flower, remember some of these meanings. Take them to heart.

About Carole:

Besides being a member and active participant of many writing groups, Carole Brown enjoys mentoring beginning writers. She loves to weave suspense and tough topics into her books, along with a touch of romance and whimsy, and is always on the lookout for outstanding titles and catchy ideas. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and did she mention their grandsons? 

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  1. I love this, Carole! I didn't realize how much my flower bed could lift my heart, beyond the beauty!

  2. Beautiful post! Love flowers & Spring is my favorite season :)
