
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Romance author, JoAnn Durgin--Interview and Giveaway!

Multi-published author JoAnn Durgin knows how to write books that'll warm your toes on a cold winter night. Romance is her love and passion--and who isn't passionate about love?

She's here to present her take on Romance writing.

Linda: Okay–why Romance?

JoAnn: I can’t not write about romance. To me, there’s nothing more thrilling than reading about that first blush of love, whether it’s love at first sight or love developed over a period of time. I love a story that’s character rich. When I read a book, I want to feel as though I know these people and I want to be fully invested in their lives.

Linda: Now, why Christian Romance?

JoAnn: I want to provide a God-honoring story to readers. I want them to have confidence that when they open one of my books, they won’t be shocked by a sex scene, harsh violence or curse words. My characters aren’t perfect, by any means. They often fail, but they’re striving to live according to God’s word. While I have a lot of humor in my stories, I also like to believe they have depth, spiritual insights and life lessons as well as a “take away” for my readers.

Linda: What is your message to your readers?

JoAnn: God loves you, no matter your background or circumstances. There’s nothing that God doesn’t know or can’t forgive, and He wants us to know Him and vice versa.

My mother made an interesting comment recently after she read my newest Christmas novella. She said, “Nicole prayed to God as though He’s her personal friend. A lot of people don’t know how to pray.”

She’s now teaching a Sunday school series on that topic. So many people believe they’re inadequate for some reason or they’re either embarrassed or afraid to pray. The Lord is there, He listens, and He has our best interest at heart. Always.

Linda: What makes for good conflict between your characters? How do you make your romance novels stand out; what makes them different?

JoAnn: My conflicts often do not follow the so-called typical romance formula. Sure, boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, a problem arises to threaten the relationship, the problem is resolved, and then there’s the requisite happily ever after ending.

In my books, the conflict tends to be not so much the emotional turmoil and back and forth such as “I’m not worthy of him/her” or “It will never work between us because. . .” Of course, I do have some of that, but overall, it’s more of an external force they must overcome—together being the key word.

My books are different in that my couples often work as a team to solve problems or triumph over circumstances which complicate their relationship. How they accomplish this—growing closer as a result, and proving the test of time and long-term compatibility—makes the story. In other words, my heroine and her hero are usually together in most of the book.

Except for my novellas or short novels, my books tend to be longer and my book covers do not always have “characters” on them so the reader can envision the characters for herself.

Linda: What qualities do you look for in a hero? A heroine?

JoAnn: My heroes are respectful of women and the heroine is the most beautiful woman in the world. He accepts her faults and insecurities, but without fail, he always supports and encourages her. If needed, he defends her and is willing to fight for her love. I love a hero who loves children and/or animals and is strong in his faith and convictions. He’s honest and a man of integrity. As for the heroine, she respects her hero. She accepts him when he’s grumpy and irrational, and she likewise encourages and supports him.

I prefer my heroes and heroines to be independent and comfortable in their own skin.  Most of my main characters have careers and are confident in their chosen professions . . . or at least have an ultimate goal of what they want to do in the future. My girls tend to be on the feisty side, but they are good-hearted and passionate. My guys share those same qualities although there’s always some way in which they’re especially sensitive or emotionally wounded in some way. I like to believe my characters are “real” and normal and “people” you’d like to get to know better.

Linda: I know you’re a member of ACFW. Are you a member of RWA? Why/why not? Any other organizations?

JoAnn: I’ve been a member of the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) since 2010, and I’m also a member of the Indiana chapter. I learned so much from being a part of the ACFW, and I will always be thankful to that organization and many of its members for their encouragement and support of my writing journey. I live in southern Indiana, very close to Kentucky, so we’ve formed a group of the ACFW and are discussing a new chapter. I’m also a member of the Louisville (KY) Christian Writers.

I was a member of the RWA several years ago. While there are many benefits, I chose not to renew my membership for reasons having to do with my own personal beliefs and principles which were not compatible with many of the books being produced by RWA members.

Linda: Any advice for new romance writers?

JoAnn: Keep writing. Keep reading. Especially for Christian romance writers, keep praying. I pray every time I sit down at the computer to write or edit. The Lord has guided me and been beside me every step of the way. I’d also advise all new writers to get involved with local and/or national writers’ groups. They are invaluable in not only networking but in learning, encouraging and sharing with one another.

Linda: What’s new with you?

JoAnn: I retired (although I prefer the term “transitioned”) from my full-time paralegal position in mid-August this year and am now living the dream as a full-time author! It’s my passion, and I adore the creativity and fun of bringing characters and their stories to life! I released Moonbeams (fifth in The Lewis Legacy Series) in late June this year, Sleigh Ride Together with You (third and final in the Starlight Christmas Series) and then Prelude (Prequel to The Lewis Legacy Series) in mid-December.

Linda: What’s next for you?

JoAnn: I’m currently revising/editing a book I wrote many years ago. Originally titled Oxford Hills, it’s now called Heart’s Design. It was a favorite among some of my very early readers, and I must confess to a soft spot for these characters (Caroline and Seth) and their story, and the setting is a fictional small town in the foothills of western Maine. I hope to release Enchantment, Book 6 of The Lewis Legacy Series, in the spring. I hope to release a number of books in 2015!

Thanks for inviting me to be your guest today, Linda! I sincerely appreciate the opportunity.


JoAnn Durgin is the author of five novels (and counting) in the popular Lewis Legacy Series, as well as her newest, Prelude, the Prequel to The Lewis Legacy Series. She is also the author of Catching Serenity, Echoes of Edinburgh, and the Starlight Christmas Series: Meet Me Under the Mistletoe, Starlight, Star Bright, and Sleigh Ride Together with You. JoAnn lives with her husband and three children in southern Indiana and loves to hear from her readers at or

JoAnn has generously offered to give away free an electronic copy of any of her books displayed in this post. Your choice! Winner will be announced a week from today.

Leave your comment to enter the drawing!



  1. I do like a book where the - characters are “real” and normal and “people” you’d like to get to know better. Would enjoy reading your books..
    dkstevensneAT outlook DoTCoM

  2. Really enjoyed the interview and I love JoAnn's books that I have read. I do not need to be included in the drawing, I have already been blessed to the winner in a give-away from JoAnn and I don't want to be selfish.

  3. Thank you, ladies, for your wonderful comments. And thank you, Linda, for the opportunity to be on this fabulous blog. I love the wallpaper/background! My mom has always loved piecing together quilts, and this is so warm, welcoming and cozy. Perfect for a cold winter's day like today. Stay warm everyone, happy reading and blessings in this New Year! :)

  4. Love JoAnn Durgin's books. This is a great interview and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Would love to have another one of JoAnn's books.

    1. Thank you for visiting the blog and for your lovely comment, Robin. I hope you'll have the opportunity to read more of my books, and Lord willing, I'll keep writing them! Blessings to you.

  5. I would love to read one of your books!

    1. Thank you, Joy! I appreciate the comment and hope you'll have that opportunity. Blessings!

  6. That was a great interview JoAnn. You know I'm a big fan of your books and I'm in your corner. I have read several of your books and enjoyed each one so much. Thank you for being a Christian romance writer rather than a secular one. There are many of them; but their books aren't in my library, nor will they be ever. I want what I read to please the Lord. I fully believe it is important that God reigns in every area of our lives. Thank you again my friend for being who you are.

    1. Sweet Faith, thanks so much, my friend! I appreciate your readership and your kind words about my books. As I mentioned (above), Lord willing, I'll keep writing my books for His glory as long as He allows. I couldn't write anything other than Christian-based stories. He's the reason I write, and God loves us more than we can ever imagine. Your sentiments mean so much to me. Thank you, and many blessings!

  7. JoAnn is so passionate that it makes her characters so real, so human so that it is so easy to identify oneself with them, to learn from them. But JoAnn doesn't only write romances, she shares God's Love with hers readers. I highly encourage you to read her books.

    1. Muriel, my lovely French friend, thank you so very much for visiting the blog and leaving a comment. I can only humbly acknowledge that the Lord guides me when I write and He keeps my words flowing. I'm so thankful for your readership and friendship. Blessings to you!

  8. Thank you for a great interview. I would love to read one of JoAnn's books.

    1. Thank you for reading the interview and leaving a comment, Melanie! I hope you get the opportunity to read one of my books soon. Many blessings.

  9. A wonderful post thank you. I do love a longer read & I often like not having models on the cover. A touch of humor is always welcome.

    1. Mary, thanks so much for reading the interview. I'm glad to hear you enjoy longer books because I certainly love writing the longer ones (I've also written a few shorter novellas, however since I like to vary what I write sometimes). And, especially for my long series, I prefer not having characters on the covers so the reader can envision in her own mind what they look like. Humor is a "must" in the books I write. We have enough sadness in our lives and I, for one, NEED to smile and laugh, too! Blessings.

  10. I am so glad I came over here today! I had forgotten I bought Awakening a while back and after reading JoAnn's interview I looked it up and started reading it. I really like it.

    1. Thanks for stopping by the blog, Pat, and I'm tickled that you're reading Awakening (my debut novel). Blessings to you as you write for His glory in 2015! :)

  11. I am not familiar with JoAnn's writing, but I always love a good romance!


  12. Hi Patty, and thanks for your comment! I definitely write romance, and I hope you have the opportunity to read one of my books soon. I like to believe they're all very reasonably priced on Amazon. Many blessings!
