
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Origami Heart Corner Bookmark

Origami Heart Corner Bookmark

I’ve been fascinated with origami for a long time, but haven’t tried my hand at it much. My daughter has given me a number of origami folded dollars as birthday and Mother’s Day gifts—flowers, rings, hearts—and I can’t bear to disassemble them and spend the money. LOL.

While researching for an upcoming Valentine’s Day blog, I discovered this adorable heart corner clip bookmark at  I made one last night using some scrapbook card stock and thought I’d share it with you. The card stock is a little heavy, and I would suggest scrapbook papers or origami papers, if you have some on hand.  My corner bookmark is a bit on the large side because I wanted to make folding it easier.  (I know, I shouldn’t have used card stock if I wanted easy folding, but it was the first thing I came across in my disorganized scrapbook stash that had a pattern in it.) I used a 4 1/2 inch square. As you can see from the photo below,

my bookmark is a bit large for the interior pages of the trade-sized book I used it on.  I would suggest using a smaller square to make a more comparable page to bookmark fit.  And practice with something besides card stock. ☺

I think this would be a cute, and quick, gift for your reading-addicted Valentine, as Valentines for your reading club ladies, or even as giveaway swag attached to your business card or on the corner of the books you sell at a book signing. They’re unique, easy to make, and you can get a bunch from an 8 x 11 ½ sheet of scrapbook paper.

Happy Folding!

Catherine Hershberger is the award-winning author of inspirational romantic suspense The Nun and the Narc, pictured modeling this darling origami bookmark.


  1. This is cute. I know my daughter will love it too. She likes origami.

    1. Thanks, Mary. I just updated the link. I discovered I had typed it wrong. I hope your daughter has fun making these.

  2. I've always wanted to try origami and now maybe I will. Loved the Nun and the Narc!

    1. Thanks, Patricia. I'm so glad you enjoyed my book. Please note I've updated the link to the pattern. It wasn't functioning this morning because I typed it in wrong.

  3. Very cute! I've done origami hearts before, but hadn't thought about using them as bookmarks. I like it!

  4. So cool! I love origami! I've made a balloon. :) I'll have to try this one.

  5. A balloon would be so cute in a birthday card or as a add on to the card front. I'll have to try that. Thanks for the idea.

    1. Welcome! :) It's one of the few I can do from memory. :)
