
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Author Interview with our very own Susan F. Craft

I'm so excited that today we get to celebrate with our very own Stitches author, Susan F. Craft! She has a new book coming out this month, so let's give her a hearty Stitches-Thru-Time, whoop and hollar congratulations! HURRAY SUSAN!

For those of you that don't know her, Susan writes historical romantic suspense. Her Revolutionary War novel, The Chamomile, won the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance Okra Pick.  She recently retired after a 45-year career as a communications director, editor, and proofreader.  To assist authors to “get right about horses in their works,” Susan worked with the Long Riders’ Guild Academic Foundation to compile A Writer's Guide to Horses that can be found at Forty-five years ago, she married her high school sweetheart, and they have two adult children, one granddaughter, and a granddog. An admitted history nerd, she enjoys researching for her novels, painting, singing, listening to music, and sitting on her porch watching the rabbits and geese eat her daylilies.  She has two post-Revolutionary War novels being released in 2015 by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas—Laurel, in January, and its sequel Cassia in September. She is represented by Linda S. Glaz, Hartline Literary Agency.

Did you have to travel much researching for your books? If so, what’s the most interesting place you traveled?
Since I want my history to be right in my novels, I do extensive research and travel to the locations of my novels to absorb, to breathe in, everything I can: sights, sounds, smells.  Thank goodness my husband drives us, because I have no sense of direction and can get lost in my driveway.
Wild Ponies of Ocracoke Island
The most fun trip was one we took to the North Carolina Outer Banks to research for my upcoming books, Laurel and its sequel, Cassia. In Laurel, which takes place in 1783, my characters are shipwrecked on an Outer Banks island.  Cassia, which takes place in 1799, has pirates.  Between the two books, I knew I needed to learn more about the ships that sailed at that time, some of the nautical terms, and seafaring jargon. In Beaufort, NC, I stumbled upon a maritime museum where I spent hours in the library that still uses a card catalogue system (at my age, I felt right at home). I learned about the wild ponies that have roamed Ocracoke Island for hundreds of years and I became fascinated by the pirate lore of the area. A local restaurant owner pointed out an area for us to visit that still looks the same today as it did in the late 1700s.

Which of your characters is most/least like you?
Except for not being able to find my way out of the woods, I identify most with my main character, Lilyan, who relies on her faith in God to get her through the dangerous and tragic happenings in her life. 

If you could have dinner with one of your characters, who would it be and why?
That’s an easy one. I’d have dinner with Nicholas Xanthakos. I have a place in my heart for this gorgeous Greek who embodies all the traits you want in a hero—bravery, gentleness, honor, faith. (No need to tell my husband—he knows already J)
Here’s how Lilyan describes her husband in Laurel:
“She turned over and watched her husband’s chest rise and fall in his slumber, observing him as he lay in a partial shadow cast from the moonlight. His hands that could wield a knife with deadly accuracy—and yet gently rock a cradle. His arms that could sling an axe for hours—but also encircle his child and wife in a tender embrace. His broad shoulders that could bear the weight of a felled tree, and yet they provided a nestling place for his wife’s head. His firm chin that jutted out in moments of white-hot anger—but also nuzzled into his daughter’s feathery curls. Lips that shouted orders so harshly grown men cringed but also whispered endearments to his wife in their most intimate moments. She regretted the furrow that creased his brow, the only outward sign of how much he missed his koukla—his little doll.”

Do you have a life Bible verse?
…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:31)

Who is your greatest encourager?
Fortunately, I have several. My husband, my daughter and son, and my granddaughter are my cheerleading team. Rejection is painful and, over the years as I grew more discouraged about not being published and wondered if anything I wrote would be of interest to anyone, they lifted me up. 

Tell us about some of your personality traits.
I could be the poster child for persistence (some might call it hard-headedness). I’ve been writing for 35 years, honing my craft at more writing conferences and reading more books about writing than I can remember. I simply refused to give up until I found someone interested in representing and publishing my novels. For all those years I worked fulltime, took care of my family, and made time for writing—sometimes into the early morning hours. I’m sentimental and cry at Hallmark commercials. I love the Lord with all my heart and strive daily to please Him, though I fail miserably at times.

Where can people get a copy of your books?
You can purchase The Chamomile at all the major bookstores, some regional southern independent bookstores, Amazon, Kindle, and Nook. When Laurel is released January 12, it can be purchased at the same outlets as well as from Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. 

I'm so glad you were able to join us today, Susan, and congratulations on your new release! 

Pssstt, hey ya'll don't forget to check back the week of January 12, because Susan is going to be giving away a copy of BOTH her books! 


About Susan's New Release, Laurel Available January 12!
 Searching for their toddler and her Cherokee aunt kidnapped by slavers, Lilyan and Nicholas Xanthakos trek from their North Carolina vineyard, through South Carolina backcountry to Charleston, a tinderbox of post-Revolutionary War passions. There Lilyan, a former Patriot spy, faces a grand jury on charges of murdering a British officer. Once free, they follow Laurel’s trail by sea and are shipwrecked on Ocracoke Island. Will they be reunited with their dear child or is Laurel lost to them forever?

You can keep up with Susan right here on the Stitches Thru Time blog, or on any of the following: (my website) (Historical Fiction a Light in Time; my personal blog) (post fourth Monday of each month) (Heroes, Heroines and History; post on the 31st of each month that has a 31st)
Twitter: @susanfcraft


  1. Susan your books sound very exciting. I think that I would enjoy the research.

    1. Thanks, Mary. I have to admit I would rather research than write! I do online research, but still like to spend time in libraries. We have a library in Columbia, SC, that's on the USC campus and is called the Southcaroliniana Library. They have newspapers on microfiche that go back to the 1700s.

  2. Congratulations on your new release, Susan. "Laurel" sounds like an exciting, adventurous story!
    I agree, there's nothing like hands on learning.

    1. Michele, speaking of hands on learning, I love to go to reenactments. Those people know their history and want to be correct about it. Did you know that South Carolina had more battles during the Revolutionary War than any other state? I hope to travel to as many as I can. I'm sure my husband (and driver) is rolling his eyes now.

  3. What an interesting visit today! Growing up I had to have every story with horses in it that came out. I'm sure I'd enjoy your new books, horses, brave, gentle, strong men, Historical Fiction Romance is one of my favorite type reads :) Congratulations!

    1. Thanks so much, Deanna. If you have time, you should visit the Long Riders' Guild website ( In order to be invited to join the group, you have to have taken at least a 1,000-mile journey on horseback. Fascinating group of people. Their Academic Foundation houses books and information about horses going back to the Crusades.
      Here’s the link to my “A Writers Guide to Horses” (also called “An Equestrian Writer’s Guide”) --

  4. Three Huzzah's for Susan!

    Congratulations on your new release!

    1. Thanks so much, Amber, for inviting me here today. Every time I think that this is really happening and my novel is being published, my heart takes an extra beat tripping over itself. :-)

  5. This sounds like an exciting book, Susan. I'd love to travel to the places I write about, even time-travel, but my health doesn't allow much physical travel, so I have to virtual travel, read newspapers of the day, and read books written during the time.

    1. Hi, Elaine. Aren't we fortunate to live in a time when we can do virtual travel? I love the sites where you can click the 360 degree option--especially the one of the Sistine Chapel. I feel as if I'm standing right there, and it's breathtaking.

  6. Congrats, Susan. Can't wait to get this!

    1. Thanks so much, Linda. I can always count on you to encourage me. :-)

  7. Susan, I totally understand the 35 year deal--that's about how long it took me. lol. And I will definitely have to check out your books.

    1. Hi, Patricia. Nice to have someone who really understands that the writing is the easy part. :-) Making your way through the publishing and marketing world is daunting. In a way, I wish it could have happened earlier, but I'm comforted that all happened in "God's own time" and not my own.
