
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Author Interview – Crystal L. Barnes

Crystal’s latest work, a short story entitled Husband Hunting is included in Out of the Storm, a compilation of favorite stories from the 2014 Storming the Short Story contest, hosted jointly by Chalfont House Publishing’s fiction imprint HopeSprings Books and Writers on the Storm (WOTS), The Woodlands, Texas affiliate of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). 

The title of your story is intriguing. Could you tell us more about Husband Hunting and where you drew your inspiration for it? For one, I love a great title. J Husband Hunting is the tale of how a rancher borrows his love's wedding dress in one last effort to prevent her from marrying the wrong man. I got the idea after reading a dime novel, of all things, at the end of a Christian Historical Romance I’d read around the time of the contest. There was a great twist at the end of the dime novel, and it made me want to write something with an equally surprising twist. Thus, Husband Hunting was born.

You mainly write Christian historical romance. What is it about this genre that drew you in? Christ is the center of my life, so Christian fiction was a given for me. As for the historical romance bit, I love the simplicity and ingenuity of yester year, and who doesn’t like to see the guy get the girl? J

What are you currently working on? I’m currently working on a series set in post-Civil-War Texas.

You are also a facilitator for the online critique groups of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). How do you juggle writing and administrative responsibilities along with family life? God. That might sound like a simplistic answer, but I know I can’t do anything without Him. He called me to write, and I felt Him leading me to take on the coordination of the critique groups. He gives me the grace to do what needs doing. It also doesn’t hurt that ACFW writers are some great people to work with. J

Share one fun thing about your life that readers might be surprised to learn. Hmm….Don’t know if this would be considered fun, but it might well be surprising to some. I’m actually a reformed…er…former gymnast. My mom used to say I walked on my hands more than my feet as a kid. J

What word of encouragement can you share with writers about the road to publication? Be open to God’s surprises. Except for a few in high school, I’d never written a short story before Husband Hunting. Then again, I also didn’t plan on being a writer either. That’s another surprise God threw my way, but His way is oh-so-much better. J Trust His leading; He’s got it all worked out.

Crystal L. Barnes is an award-winning author, who also happens to be a born-n-raised Texan. She is an active member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), her local ACFW chapter, 19th Century Writers, and her local church. In 2012, she was a semifinalist in the ACFW Genesis contest. She has a degree in Computing Science because she loves putting things into their proper place, and she enjoys writing because she gets to share her love of old-fashioned things and the Lord. When she's not writing or reading, Crystal enjoys knitting, sewing, or crocheting while watching old movies/sitcoms. Find out more about Crystal at or connect with her on Facebook, Google+, or Pinterest.


  1. Replies
    1. Glad you enjoyed the interview, Mary. Thanks for dropping by. Do you enjoy reading short stories or full-length novels or both?

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Linda!!!! Glad you enjoyed the interview. Hope you have an excellent weekend! :)

  3. Great interview that revealed some new things about someone I admire.

    1. O, you're so sweet. :) Thanks so much for dropping by.

  4. I'm so happy for you, Crystal! I love your story. It has such a sweet style that reflects your personality. The reason I've already read it is because my story, Tempest Tossed also made it into the anthology! I'm so excited right along with Crystal for its release.

    1. Hi, Annette!!! Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm so glad you're story is coming out in the anthology too. Congrats to you as well!

  5. Congratulations on the release of your short story, Crystal! I enjoyed learning more about you and your writing. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Britney! Glad you enjoyed the interview. :)
