
Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Reader's Look at A Most Inconvenient Match

The New Year is here, and many of us will set goals that few will keep and many will abandon. The New Year represents a chance to start over; put the past behind us, and find a new path in life.
This is exactly what Abigail Stuart in An Inconvenient Marriage by Regina Jennings has decided to do, but she is about to learn what ALL Christians must grasp: Our Plans are always subject to God’s will.
See, Abigal has decided she is going to start over. The Civil War has ended, and a marriage to a dying soldier has given her the opportunity to leave her past behind and start a new life complete with a farm and ready-built family. She has no plans for love; just a chance to belong.
But there is a catch. God has His own plans. Plans that include a handsome young man who needs the gentle touch of a well-trained nurse. A nurse like Abigal.
See, what Abigal isn’t expecting is her ‘deceased’ husband to show up on her new doorstep very much alive and very much not the man she had married. Her new life is thrown into disarray while she tries to hold onto her plans and unknowingly fight against God’s will. Through heartache and roadblocks, Abigal comes to a realization: what she wants doesn’t really matter. Only God’s will does.
What in so many ways is a sweet romance story becomes much more as the reader is reminded of one simple lesson: God’s plans for us are more rewarding, more richer than anything we can come up with ourselves. The catch is, we have to be willing to accept it and let him guide us.

So let me ask you this: as you walk your life path whose trail are you on, yours or God’s?

To learn more about author Regina Jennings check out her website

Josette Downey  is the christian romance author of A Time to Say Goodbye, The Secret Son and Bonds of Tradition. She has master’s degree in English From East Carolina University, and currently works for a premier test scoring company. She is the mother of a precocious six-year-old girl, who enjoys bugs, snakes and superman.  She enjoys southern cooking, reading and exploring emerging technology, but is best defined by her devotion to her faith and the empowerment of women in the modern world.

To learn more follow her at




  1. So much to take from this. A wonderful review.

  2. Great review, Josie. This one is on my TBR list.

  3. It is always my desire to be on God's path, but like everyone else, I don't always end up on it. Great post.

  4. Such a great post, Josie. Makes me wanna go find this book. :)

    It's my highest desire to be on God's path. May we all encourage each other to trod it.


  5. This sounds like a very interesting book. Great review!

  6. I am following :) This book sounds like one I'd really like...
