
Monday, December 22, 2014

The Reason for the Season!

Have you heard the news? England’s Prince William and Princess Kate are expecting their second baby. Do you remember how the world awaited the announcement of little Prince George's birth? Thousands of people cheering, television coverage, a barrage of print and internet articles, all for this sweet baby’s arrival into the world. A king is born!

While I watched the excitement, I couldn’t help but to be happy for the young family and their future. I also couldn’t help but to remember a king who was born two thousand years ago. This king had no television coverage. He didn’t have thousands of cheering subjects outside his castle. In fact, He didn’t have a castle.

Jesus, the King of kings, was born without earthly fanfare and into a dirty manger.

Why? Was this the best God could provide His son? No. We know that’s not the truth. So, what purpose did Jesus’ lowly birth serve?

2 Corinthians 8:9 New International Version (NIV)
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

Jesus came to be with us. He wanted be one of the many, not one of the few. He wanted to walk among us, bond with His people, teach us. He gave up His riches to come to earth so we could have heavenly riches. And He did it willingly and in love. No one forced Him.   

This Christmas season I plan to remember all that Jesus gave up so I could be rich. I acknowledge my unworthiness of this gift and say—Thanks be to God for His amazing, astounding, unimaginable, incredible, remarkable gift.

Merry Christmas and 

Happy Birthday, Jesus!