
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Folded Dinner Napkins for Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is tomorrow! 

For most of us the menu is planned and the grocery shopping finished. What’s left is the fun part. Cooking, decorating and visiting with family. (Notice I left out the cleanup, yeah, I left that out on purpose.)

Today, I’d like to share a last minute decorating idea. Folded dinner napkins . . . and not the triangle laid flat on the plate kind, but beautiful folds that will enhance your Thanksgiving table charm.

Martha Stewart, the queen of home making, has an adorable turkey napkin on her website. It takes threes linen napkins and some tin foil, but how cute would a napkin folded turkey be on the buffet table?

Next is a pretty pocket fold. This napkin will be a little easier to make then the turkey, but nonetheless elegant on your table. I like the diagonal pocket on this napkin verses a single, horizontal pocket. This website has the instructions for this and other designs.

I pray that you have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday, regardless if you spend it with friends, family or enjoy a peaceful day to yourself. 
Hugs for you all,


  1. I love the turkey napkin. I'm afraid we just use paper napkins. The shame of it all.

    1. We use the paper too. :) Too many of us (and probably too lazy too). (Wow, that's a lot of "too"s. :) ) We do good to get all the food on the table. :) Hope you have a wonderful holiday, Mary. Folded napkins or no. ;)

  2. I'd go for the pocket napkin. Thanksgiving is about the only holiday we still use actual napkins. Thanks for this interesting post Michele.

    Hope everyone at Stitchesthrutime has a blessed Thanksgiving.

  3. I love the folded napkins, Michele! Thank you for sharing. I hope you all enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

  4. Hope you have a great and very happy Thanksgiving, Michele! Thanks for sharing. Let us know how yours turn out. :)

  5. These napkins will make a beautiful table setting even prettier. Thank you for sharing! I wish for you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  6. I still use cloth napkins for any get-together with our kids and/or grandkids.
    I used to fold them special ways for the tea-parties that began with our first grandbabe - McKenna - sigh - all of 20 years ago. . .well she was born 19 yrs ago - on our 22nd anniversary. . .from the time she could "pretend" age 2 1/2 - we started doing tea parties and she learned Victorian tea etiquette with me. . I'd forgotten what little I'd gleaned decades before and did the refresher with McKenna. . .four years later when Maya was born. .McKenna got some coaching on how much MORE fun our parties would be with a "third party" - it worked- then came brother Parker. . .oh yes. . .he was NOT going to be left out and to his father's chagrin. . the young man has become a tea drinker with the best of us and enjoys STEEPING a good cuppa tea for his Nana - yes. ..that's me - to all seven grandchildren. . .the other four aren't as enamoured with the process. . .except for the youngest - Austin. . .we've had some rousing tea parties as he's not quite as sedate during the process as his cousins. IT'S ALL FUN THOUGH and Michele, you've brought back some SUPER GREAT memories with this post! Thanks for the memories and the cloth napkins are ready to be placed for dinner tomorrow evening.

  7. I like folded cloth napkins but it seems everyone is afraid to use them LOL too pretty & don't want to get them dirty?? Guess paper can be pretty too..
    dkstevensne AT outlook DoT COm
