
Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Brickmaker's Bride

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?   2 Conrinthians 6:14

There is an old saying in the Christian church. Don’t be unequally, which is derived from the above verse. This verse is often used to encourage Christians not to form marriages with an unsaved person.  But another serious implication of the verse is often over looked: that of a business relationship between a Christian and an unsaved person. 
In the Brickmaker’s Bride by Judith Miller, our character Ewan McKay is about to learn the hard way why it is important to heed that verse. He comes to America from Ireland with one goal in mind: to start a business with his Uncle in order to provide a living for his sisters and himself. 
But his uncle, and business partner, would rather spend too much money on appeasing his greedy wife and gambling away all resources then attend to business. 
It is this union that will cause Ewan tremendous grief, and suffering. While one can’t say entering a business relationship with only Christians will lead to a successful business, one can say such a relationship with a man ruled by God, could help Christians avoid the greedy practices, and ethical problems that are so rampant in the business world. 
If Ewan had only heeded the above verse, he could have avoided so much grief. Yes, he might not have made it to America, but by trusting in the Lord, he would have found a much more fulfilling path in life. 
So as you read the BrickMaker’s Bride, pay close attention to this verse and ponder how you might apply it to your life. 

Special note my Alternate Chapter for A Time to Say Goodbye is free on Amazon.

Josette Downey  is the christian romance author of A Time to Say Goodbye, The Secret Son and Bonds of Tradition. She has master’s degree in English From East Carolina University, and currently works for a premier test scoring company. She is the mother of a precocious six-year-old girl, who enjoys bugs, snakes and superman.  She enjoys southern cooking, reading and exploring emerging technology, but is best defined by her devotion to her faith and the empowerment of women in the modern world.

To learn more follow her at



  1. Thank you so much for sharing this thought provoking post! I look forward to reading The Brickmaker's Bride.

  2. The Brickmaker's Bride sounds really interesting.
