
Friday, October 24, 2014

Confessions of a Book Crier

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Confessions of a Book Crier

by Amber Schamel

I'm not one of those gals that cries a lot. In fact, I tend to cry more often out of frustration than sadness. But I will confess, there have been a couple of books that made me cry. It's a tough thing to do, but it has happened. 

I think the first book that ever made me cry was Beulah by Augusta Jane Evans. It was an old book I picked up at an antique store. As it turns out, it was originally published in 1865. Like many books of its period, Beulah was a story about a plain, hard working, devoted orphan girl. In one of the beginning scenes, Beulah's sister Lillian is adopted by a prominent family, but they don't want Beulah. Lilly is torn from her sister's arms, screaming and begging them not to separate her from her sister. a heartbroken Beulah lets her go, knowing it is for her sister's ultimate benefit, though they may never see each other again. The scene is written in such a way that we feel both sister's anguish, and are already deeply attached to the characters even though this scene occurs in the second chapter. Having three younger sisters myself, this picture tugged at my heartstrings and I confess...I cried like a little girl. 

Whew. There. I said it. First confession out of the way. As an author though, I have another confession to make. Sometimes books make me cry...when I'm writing them. debut novella, The Healer's Touch, is a story about a woman who is banished from her home because of leprosy. Her husband threatens to kill her, and she is separated from her son for over ten years. Life in the leper colony is heartbreaking. When news comes of a man who may be able to heal her, Aaliyah is forced to make a choice: risk her life by going into the city to find the healer, or live out the rest of her miserable existence and die a leper. As I wrote her story, there were a couple of times that I felt her anguish so deep, that it actually made me cry. Rumor is, it had the same effect on some of my readers. 

When writing the sequel to The Healer's Touch, (which just released on Oct 16th!) I found myself in tears for a different reason. This time, it was feeling the character's joy that choked me up. (I can't tell you more than that, or it might spoil it for you.) :D

Okay, so now that I've confessed to being a book crier, it's your turn. What books have made you cry?

If you're an author, have you cried when writing your books?

Amber Schamel, Bringing HIStory to LifeBest selling author Amber Schamel writes riveting stories that bring HIStory to life. She has a passion for history, books and her Savior. This combination results in what her readers call "historical fiction at its finest". A homeschool graduate from a family of 12 children, Amber found her calling early in life. First published at age 21, she has continued to hone her craft and is now the author of over half a dozen books. Between ministry, family and working in their family-owned businesses, Amber loves to connect with readers. Find her on the Stitches Thru Time blog, or on any of the major social media sites.  Amber is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, and the Historical Novel Society.

Her new release The Messiah's Sign is on sale for only $.99 for a limited time!

I'm celebrating my new release with the Name-A-Character Giveaway! Enter to for a chance to pick the name of a main character in Amber's upcoming book The Christmas Pardon. Terms and conditions apply. 
In the aftermath of the Civil War, a young lawyer battles with the U.S. Supreme court. In what seemed to be a Christmas miracle, he had secured a pardon for his friend from Lincoln himself. The army executed the boy anyway. On the fifteenth anniversary of his death, will the lawyer finally clear his friends name and bring justice to his memory?


  1. Thank you for your enjoyable post, Amber. I don't usually cry while reading but some of Nicholas Sparks books have moved me as well as The Thief.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Melanie! I have The Well on my kindle, but I've heard The Thief is even better. It's on my TBR list!

  2. I cried when reading Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay and A Promise in Pieces by Emily T. Wierenga. Some books are just so raw and touching!

    1. I agree, Heidi. I love those types of books. :)
      Dear Mr. Knightly is another one on my kindle that I've yet to read!

  3. I am a book crier, too! I love books that evoke such strong emotion! The last book I cried through was a nonfiction book, The Hardest Peace by Kara Tippetts. It is a breathtaking book!
