
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Cooking Up Love by Cynthia Hickey ~ Book Review

Back-cover copy: Tabitha McClelland knows accepting a job as a Harvey House waitress can be risky. Traveling alone to the rough-and-tumble West just isn't done by young ladies of good breeding. But far more dangerous is her powerful attraction to Adam Foster. Family means everything to the widowed chef, but the self-sufficient Tabitha cherishes her freedom above all else.
Adam is captivated by the fiercely independent Tabitha. Fraternizing with the female employees is strictly forbidden, but the Harvey Girl awakens feelings too compelling to ignore. Can Adam convince Tabby to share his dream of a future in California—together?

I read. A lot. One novel I read this past spring was Cooking Up Love by Cynthia Hickey, and I adored it. Not only was the writing fabulous and the book a page-turner, but I learned about Harvey Girls which I found fascinating.

In this fictional narrative, Tabitha worked at a Harvey House 140 years ago. Back then, women primarily were domestics or teachers, it was a little risque to be a Harvey House girl. At that time, clothing was modest, co-workers didn't date or flirt, and there was a social pecking order. Unlike today, restaurants were not common and going out to eat was a treat.

Have you read a book lately that has prompted you to think? Sound off in the comments section!

Also, leave your comment any day this week to win a copy of Unending Devotion by Jodie Hedlund.


  1. This sounds like a great book! pat at ptbradley dot com

  2. This book sounds wonderful to me. I read an article about the Harvey Girls that I found so interesting. I would really like to read more.
    A book that I found so interesting and I thought of so much after I read it was The Thief.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Melanie,
      Thanks for reading! The Thief by Megan Turner? Sounds like a good one!

  3. The last book I read, A Promise in Pieces by Emily T. Wierenga, was incredibly thought provoking! I absolutely loved it and recommend it highly!

    colorvibrant at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Heidi!
      I rarely see anyone with that name ;-)
      Thanks for reading ~ I'll look into A Promise in Pieces, sounds good!

  4. Have just recently heard of the Harvey House girls and would love to learn more!!

    I have recently completed reading each of Laura Franz's books - the characters stayed with me after the reading of each book.


    1. Bonnie,
      Thanks for reading ~ I agree, the Harvey Girls are fascinating! Thanks for the tip on Laura Franz's books.

  5. Cooking up Love sounds like a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. The Thief by Stephanie Landsem is a fantastic novel that stirred my emotions and made me think!

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com
