
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Book Review: The Turning by Davis Bunn

Photo of The Turning
Back Cover Blurb:

The message was unexpected but instantly recognizable.  

A voice resonated from a distance and somehow from within.  Against all earthly logic, it carried a divine command.  And five very different people knew they were summoned to obey. Their actions were demanding, but not particularly grand.  Only later would they see a pattern emerge - one that links their tasks together and comes to challenge the cultural direction of the nation.  They realize that one small personal response unveiled a new realmof moral responsibility.  And this affirmation of everyday hope captures theattention of millions.

But power and money are at stake.  Malicious elements soon align themselves to counter the trend.  To succeed they must also undermine its source.  Can we really believe that God speaks to people today? Surely this must be dismissed as superstition or delusion. These well-intentioned but misguided individuals should not be allowed to cast our society back into the Dark Ages.

The public debate and media frenzy place an unprecedented spotlight on knowing and doing God's will.  The five encounter threats, but try to remain steadfast in their faith.  Had God indeed imparted wisdom on selected individuals?  Is this sweep of events part of his divine purpose? 

The movement may herald a profound renewal - one that some are calling The Turning...

My Rambling Thoughts:

Unlike some of the other reviews from Amazon, I enjoyed the introduction of the characters at the beginning of the book. By the time I reached the gathering point of the five "team" players, I understood that somehow they would be connected in a miraculous way. 

I knew that all the characters would tie in for a purpose, and was content to wait to see how Bunn developed the story. I like elaborate plots so I wasn't disappointed to get a glimpse of where he was going.

Beginning with Trent and his circumstances and purpose, was a twist because the reader wasn't sure if he was the good or bad guy until later. (There was sympathy for his physical problem and his boss didn't exactly come across as admirable!) The rumble of discontent and uneasiness begins when Trent's plan begins to unfold. Hope is dead?

The perseverence and persistence of the team to obey, to go, to follow their orders, drives them through ugly revelations, shame, doubt, fear, powerful ploys to relief, faith, trust and the power to fight back.

Points I loved:

  • The supernatural feel (especially the motorcyclists who rescued Richard, Jenny and the others) and knowledge of God speaking TODAY to individuals
  • The evil versus good thread, knowing that God always prevails in his time 
  • The reinforced notion that God uses ordinary people who are willing to obey
  • The battle between big influencial industries and "little" people
  • The collective gathering of individuals to help
  • The thought of what God can and will do; his awesome power, the strength of his rightness, the eternal hope that rises from him.
And I loved the ending. Perhaps not all questions were answered to suit everyone, but that's the wonder of writing a good book. Imagination, wonder, possibilities.

Well done, Mr. Bunn. 
